HTML CSS JS Projects

Real Time Chat App Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & React Introduction : The real-time chat application built with React.js allows users to join chat rooms and communicate in real-time. It leverages for real-time bidirectional communication, ensuring messages are instantly delivered to all participants in a chat room. The application is structured with several React […]

Admin Dashboard Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ReactJs Introduction : The Admin Dashboard is a comprehensive React.js application designed to manage and visualize various administrative tasks. This project utilizes multiple libraries and components to create a responsive, interactive, and user-friendly interface. It includes various features such as data visualization, user management, order processing, and customizable […]

Crypto Currency Tracker Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ReactJs Introduction : This cryptocurrency app is a web application built using React.js that allows users to track various cryptocurrencies, view detailed information about them, stay updated with the latest news, and explore different cryptocurrency exchanges. The app uses Redux for state management and several external libraries […]

Facebook Messenger Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ReactJs Introduction : The project is a simplified clone of Facebook Messenger, built using React.js. The application includes basic functionalities such as login (via Facebook and Google), a chat interface, and navigation between different parts of the app. This clone is a good example of a single-page application […]

Exercise App using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ReactJs Introduction : The Exercise app is a React.js-based web application designed to provide users with information about various exercises. It features a user-friendly interface that allows users to browse exercises, view detailed information about each exercise, and navigate between different sections of the app seamlessly. The app […]

Spotify Clone Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ReactJs Introduction : The Spotify clone project built using React.js replicates the core functionalities of Spotify, a popular music streaming service. It utilizes modern front-end technologies and libraries, including React for building user interfaces, Redux for state management, and React Router for navigation. The project is structured to […]

Figma Clone Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ReactJs Introduction : This project is a Figma clone, allowing multiple users to collaboratively draw, edit, and manipulate shapes on a canvas in real-time. It leverages Fabric.js for canvas manipulation and Liveblocks for real-time data synchronization between users. Key Technologies Used: React.js: This is the main framework we […]

Youtube Clone Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ReactJs​ Introduction : This project is a YouTube clone built using React.js, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, especially single-page applications. The clone mimics the core functionalities of YouTube, including video playback, channel viewing, searching for videos, and a dynamic feed. It utilizes the react-router-dom library […]

Chat Application Using HTML , CSS And Javascript Introduction Hello developers friends, all of you are welcome to this new and wonderful project. Today we have created a great chatting application in which you can chat. This chatting application is very user friendly and we have created it with the help of HTML CSS and […]

Travel Planner Website Using HTML , CSS And Javascript Introduction Hello friends, welcome to all of you developer friends, in this new blog post today we have created a very wonderful project for you which is very good and this project is related to travel. Let me tell you that this project is a travel […]

Dictionary App using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & ReactJs Introduction : The React dictionary app is a web application designed to provide users with a seamless and intuitive experience for exploring word definitions. Leveraging the power of React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, the app offers a modern and dynamic platform for accessing […]

Weather App using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & ReactJs Introduction : The React Weather App is a web application designed to provide users with up-to-date weather information for various cities around the world. Leveraging React.js, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, this app offers an intuitive and dynamic user experience. By integrating with the […]

Bill/Invoice Generator using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & ReactJs Introduction : The Invoice generator app, built using React, serves as a tool for efficiently creating invoices in a digital format. With a user-friendly interface, it enables users to input necessary information such as the invoice number and automatically generates a professional-looking PDF invoice. The primary purpose […]

News App using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & ReactJs Introduction : In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying informed about current events and news is paramount. This React news app is a testament to the power of technology in delivering timely and relevant information to users in a convenient and accessible manner. At its core, this […]

Rock Paper Scissor Game Using HTML , CSS And Javascript Introduction Hello friends, welcome to this new blog post. Today we have created a wonderful game which has been created with the help of HTML CSS and JavaScript. Friends, today we have created a game of rock paper which you must have played many times […]

Color Guessing Game using HTML , CSS And Javascript Introduction Hello developers friends, all of you are welcome to this new project. Today I have created a wonderful color guessing game in which you get random colors generated, which you have to select correctly with the help of color code. If you select the correct […]

Fanta Landing Page Using HTML CSS And JS Introduction Hello developers friends, today everyone is welcome to this new project. Today we have created a wonderful landing page which is of a Fanta website. This Fanta website is very amazing. We have used very good animation in this website so that The design and look […]

Youtube Thumbnail Downloader Using HTML , CSS And Javascript Introduction Hello developers friends, all of you are welcome to this new blog post, today we have created a wonderful and very amazing project which is the most super project till date. Friends, I want to tell you that today we have created YouTube thumbnail downloader […]

Amazing Love Puzzle Using HTML , CSS And Javascript Introduction All of you developer friends are welcome to this new blog post. Today we have created a wonderful love puzzle which is very superhit. Friends, to create this love puzzle, we have created it with the help of pure JavaScript and HTML CSS. In this […]

Word Counter Website Using HTML , CSS And Javascript Introduction Hello developer friends, all of you are welcome to this superhit blog post. Today we have created an amazing word counter website in which you can count the words. Also, the special thing about this word counter is that you can also upload the words […]

Responsive Restaurant Website Using HTML , CSS & Javascript Introduction Hello friends, all of you are welcome to this new blog post. Today we have created a beautiful restaurant website and you will be very happy to know that this website is also responsive so that you can run this website in any device and […]

Student Registration Dashboard Using HTML, CSS & Javascript Introduction Hello friends, welcome to a new blog post, today we have created Student Registration Dashboard Using HTML, CSS & Javascript, which is very respectful and good, we have created it with the help of pure Javascript and some other languages too. has not been added to […]

Finance Website Using HTML , CSS & Javascript Introduction Hello friends, all of you developer friends are welcome to this wonderful project, hope you all will be great, we have designed a great website which is quite wonderful and user friendly. To create this website, we have used Html CSS along with some other things. […]

Snake Game Using HTML , CSS And Javascript Introduction Today we have made a wonderful snake game which is very amazing. To make this game we have used HTML CSS and JavaScript. Also the interesting thing is that this game is completely responsive which you can play on mobile, laptop and tablet. Can play different […]

Responsive Music Player Using HTML , CSS & JS Introduction Hello friends, welcome to all of you in this new project, today we have created a great music player in which you can play and listen to music and the special thing about this music player is that it is completely responsive and it can […]

Introduction Hello developers, all of you are welcome to this blog post. Today we have created a sign in and sign up form. It is user friendly as well as fully responsive. To create this form, we have used HTML CSS and JavaScript. We have divided this form into two parts, one is sign in […]

Flappy Bird Using HTML, CSS and JS Introduction In this project, we delve into the fascinating world of game development by creating a classic arcade-style game known as Flappy Bird. Inspired by the immensely popular mobile game, our project aims to provide an engaging and interactive experience for players of all ages. Using HTML, CSS, […]

Facebook Clone Using HTML, CSS and JS Introduction In this project, we have recreated the essence of Facebook in a dynamic and engaging clone using the powerful combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. Our goal was to develop a platform that captures the essence of social networking, providing users with a familiar yet enhanced […]

Spotify Clone Using HTML, CSS and JS Introduction In this project, we have built a dynamic Spotify-inspired music streaming platform using the trio of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Our goal was to create a user-friendly interface that seamlessly navigates through artists, albums, and playlists, providing an immersive music listening experience. With HTML, we’ve structured the […]

Ticket Management System Using HTML, CSS and JS Introduction An innovative Ticket Management System, where simplicity and efficiency converge to redefine the ticket booking experience. Designed to cater to diverse event management needs, our system empowers users with seamless booking capabilities, automated ticket generation, and convenient access to booking history. With an intuitive interface crafted […]

Creating Pong Game Using HTML CSS Javascript Introduction: Welcome to the world of game development! Have you ever wanted to create your own video game? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re going to learn how to build a classic game called Pong using three essential web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Pong is a […]

Facebook Login Using HTML, CSS and JS Introduction In this project, we’ve employed a blend of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to craft a streamlined Facebook login page – a pivotal component of modern web applications. Seamlessly blending aesthetic appeal with functional design, our Facebook login page provides users with a familiar and intuitive interface, facilitating […]

Maze Game using HTML CSS and JavaScript Project Description: Maze Game The Maze Game is a simple web-based game implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The objective of the game is for the player to navigate through a maze grid from the starting point to the end point. Here’s an overview of the project: HTML […]

Word Scramble Game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Introduction: Welcome to the Word Scramble Game project! This simple yet engaging web-based game challenges players to unscramble words and test their vocabulary skills. Developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this project offers an interactive user interface and provides an enjoyable gaming experience. Features: Word Scramble: Players […]

Create Responsive Website Using HTML, CSS & JS Introduction In this project, we’ve utilized HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create “Wilderness Explorer” – a user-friendly website catering to outdoor enthusiasts. With captivating visuals and seamless navigation, visitors can explore various sections like activities, events, membership, and contact effortlessly. From responsive design to interactive elements, every […]

Create a Simple Website Using HTML and CSS Introduction: In this article we’ll learn how to create simple website using html css. having the ability to create your own website is not only a valuable skill but also a fun and rewarding experience. Whether you’re looking to showcase your portfolio, start a blog, or launch […]

Holi fluid animation using HTML CSS Javascript – Holi Project using HTML CSS JS Introduction: This project is all about bringing a mesmerizing fluid simulation right to your screen, using the power of web technology. Imagine colorful, swirling patterns that mimic the movement of real fluids, all happening in your web browser! Here’s how it […]

Recipe Finder App using HTML CSS, JavaScript & React Js Introduction : The Recipe Finder app is a dynamic and user-friendly platform designed for individuals seeking inspiration for their next meal. Leveraging React for its front-end development, the app seamlessly integrates various components to provide a cohesive and engaging user experience. At the heart of […]

Quiz App using HTML CSS, JavaScript & React Js Introduction : React-based Quiz App provides an interactive and engaging platform for users to test their knowledge across a variety of topics. Structured with modularity in mind, the app seamlessly renders dynamic quiz questions and answer options, offering immediate feedback on user responses. Users can interactively […]

Music Player using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React Introduction : This React-based music player app is designed to create an immersive and user-friendly experience for playing and enjoying a collection of songs. The app allows users to play and enjoy their favorite music tracks seamlessly. Utilizing the Web Audio API or an audio library, it […]

Expense Tracker App using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & React Framework Introduction : Expense Tracker is created using React is a comprehensive financial management tool designed to help users track and manage their expenses efficiently. The application employs a modular structure, utilizing React components for distinct functionalities. The AddForm component serves as the gateway for users […]

E-Commerce App using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ReactJs Introduction : This E-commerce app aims to provide users with an online shopping experience. The app is built using HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for dynamic behavior. React is used to create reusable components and manage the app’s state efficiently. The foundation of our […]

Personal Portfolio using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Introduction : This Portfolio website is a representation of your skills, experience, and personality. It serves as a showcase for potential employers or clients to understand who you are and what you bring to the table. Let’s dive into the various sections of your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript […]

Snake Game using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Introduction : The Snake Game project is a classic implementation of the iconic Snake arcade game using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This web-based adaptation aims to deliver a nostalgic gaming experience, allowing users to control a snake that grows longer as it consumes randomly placed […]

NETFLIX Clone using HTML CSS & JavaScript Introduction : The Netflix clone project is a web application developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, aiming to replicate the user interface and some features of the popular streaming service, Netflix. Let’s break down the project into its key components and functionalities. This project is implemented using a […]

Tic Tac Toe Game using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Introduction : The Tic Tac Toe project is a web-based implementation of the classic two-player game, designed to be played in a browser environment. Comprising HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this project encapsulates the essence of simplicity and interactivity. The fundamental goal is to create an engaging […]

Typing Speed Test Game in HTML CSS & JavaScript Introduction : The Typing Speed Test Game is a web-based application created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The purpose of this game is to assess and improve the user’s typing speed and accuracy. The game presents the user with a random set of words, and the […]

Amazon Clone using HTML and CSS Introduction : Creating a website clone is an ambitious project that involves replicating the user interface and functionality of a well-established platform. In this case, the chosen platform is Amazon, one of the largest and most popular online marketplaces globally. The objective of this project is to understand and […]

QR Code Generator using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Introduction : The QR Code Generator project is a web application designed to facilitate the quick and effortless creation of QR codes from user-provided text or URLs. Developed using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this application offers a user-friendly interface that streamlines the QR code […]

Hangman Game using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Introduction : The Hangman game is a classic word-guessing game where the player needs to guess a hidden word by suggesting letters within a limited number of attempts. In this project, the game is implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The game interface includes a display for the […]

AI Image Generator using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Introduction : This project is an AI Image Generator built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows users to input a text description, and then, using the OpenAI API, generates a set of images based on that description. The generated images are displayed in a gallery format, […]

News App using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Introduction : The News App is a dynamic and responsive web application that provides users with the latest news articles from various categories. Utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with integration of the News API, the project enables users to explore news related to finance, sports, crypto, international […]

Speech to Text Converter using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Introduction : This project is a Speech to Text Converter, which allows users to convert spoken words into written text. It consists of an HTML page with a textarea to display the converted text and a button (represented by an image) to trigger the speech recognition […]

Currency Converter using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Introduction : This Currency Converter is a web application created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows users to convert an amount from one currency to another using real-time exchange rates fetched from an API ( The Currency Converter is a dynamic web application that leverages the power […]

Drum Kit using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Introduction : This project is a simple drum kit created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows users to play different drum sounds by pressing corresponding keys on the keyboard. Each key is associated with a specific drum sound, and when a key is pressed, the associated sound […]

Notes app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Introduction : The Notes App is a web application that allows users to create, view, and delete notes. Developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, this app provides a simple and intuitive interface for managing personal notes. Using this app a user can make his/her notes and store them […]

Music Player using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Introduction : The Music Player web application is a simple yet functional platform for playing a list of songs.Developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it provides a user-friendly interface to control playback, adjust volume, and navigate through the playlist. The project is built using HTML for structure, CSS […]

To-Do List Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript In this project, you’ll build a sleek and user-friendly to-do list application where users can effortlessly add, edit, and remove tasks. Gain valuable experience in DOM manipulation and event handling as you bring your to-do list to life with smooth interactions and real-time updates. Whether you’re a beginner […]

BMI Calculator Using HTML , CSS & JavaScript Introduction: The Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator is a web application designed to help users calculate their BMI based on their height and weight. BMI is a measure of body fat based on an individual’s weight in relation to their height. This calculator provides a convenient way […]

Real-Time Chat Application Using HTML , CSS & JavaScript Introduction: The Real-Time Chat Application is a web-based platform that enables users to communicate with each other in real-time using text messages. It provides a seamless and interactive chatting experience, fostering instant communication and collaboration between users. The application utilizes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create […]

Interactive Login and Registration Form Using HTML , CSS & JavaScript Introduction: The Login and Registration Form project aims to create a user authentication system where users can log in using their credentials or register for a new account. The project utilizes HTML for structuring the form, CSS for styling and layout, and JavaScript for […]

Quiz App Using HTML , CSS & JavaScript Introduction: The Quiz App project aims to create an interactive application that allows users to participate in quizzes. It provides a platform for users to test their knowledge in various subjects, answer multiple-choice questions, and receive instant feedback on their performance. The project utilizes HTML, CSS, and […]

Interactive Calculator Using HTML , CSS & JavaScript Introduction: The project aims to develop an interactive calculator using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The calculator will provide a user-friendly interface for performing basic mathematical operations. It will allow users to input numbers, perform calculations, and display the results dynamically. Explanation: The project aims […]

Web Based Guess the Number Using HTML , CSS & JavaScript Introduction: The “Guess the Number” game is a simple web-based game where players have to guess a random number between 1 and 100. It is designed to provide an enjoyable and interactive experience for users of all ages. The game interface is user-friendly and […]

Task Manager Using HTML , CSS , JavaScript Introduction: Project Introduction: The to-do list application is a simple and efficient tool that helps users manage their tasks effectively. It allows users to create, delete, and organize tasks based on their priorities and deadlines. This application aims to provide a user-friendly interface that can be accessed […]

Personal Portfolio Website Using HTML , CSS & JavaScript Introduction: The Personal Portfolio Website project is an opportunity to create a digital showcase of your skills, projects, and achievements as a web developer. This project aims to provide a platform where you can present your expertise, highlight your accomplishments, and demonstrate your abilities to potential […]

Weather App Using HTML , CSS & JavaScript Introduction: The Weather App project is a web application that leverages HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to fetch weather data from a weather API and display current weather conditions and forecasts for a specific location. It provides users with real-time weather information, allowing them to stay informed about […]

Countdown Timer Using HTML , CSS & JavaScript Introduction: The Countdown Timer project is an interactive web application that allows users to set a specific date and time for an upcoming event, product launch, or special occasion. It provides a visual representation of the time remaining until the specified event occurs, building excitement and anticipation […]

E-Commerce Application Using HTML CSS JS Introduction: This project is about an e-commerce website where a user can do shopping with a seamless experience. A user can choose a product as per his choice He can filter the products by size as well as by the color he wants. You can customize this project’s animation […]

Online Library Management System Introduction: This Projects Online Library Management System introduces a System that is created by using the latest tech stacks i.e. HTML5, Bootstrap, and JavaScript(ES6) One who has a basic understanding of JavaScript and familiar with JS Functions concepts can understand easily.  You can customize this project’s animation as well as logic […]

Make a Simple calculator using HTML CSS Introduction: This is the Project which creates a Scientific calculator which helps you to make calculations in math in a very easy manner. It is user-friendly as well as a faster calculator You can use this calculator not only for general use but also for your studies too. […]

To Do Manager Introduction: This Projects is about a To do manager that manages users tasks. It has animated interface which is very helpful to interact with user.It is created by using the latest tech stacks i.e. HTML5 , CSS3  and JavaScript(ES6)The logic used to create this project no too much difficult One who has basic […]

Countdown Timer Introduction: This Projects Countdown Timer introduces a Animated Countdown Timer which is created by using the latest tech stacks i.e. HTML5 , CSS3  and JavaScript(ES6) The logic used to create this project no too much difficult One who has basic understanding of JavaScript and familiar with JS Functions concept can understand in easy […]

300+ Web Development projects with source code

WEB Developments Projects

  1. Circle Animation CSS & HTML (Step by Step)
  2. Simple Feedback Form in HTML CSS (Code + Demo)
  3. Responsive Testimonial Slider HTML CSS (Code + Demo)
  4. Accordion Image Gallery with HTML & CSS (Free Code)
  5. Skeuomorphism Button Using HTML & CSS (Free Code)
  6. Simple Snowfall Animation using HTML CSS (Free Code)
  7. Create a Custom Tooltip Using HTML & CSS (Free Code)
  8. Simple Vertical Navigation Menu Using HTML & CSS
  9. Responsive Navigation Menu Bar in HTML and CSS
  10. Simple Image Hover Effects in HTML & CSS
  11. How to Create a Custom Toggle Switch Using HTML CSS
  12. Simple 3D Button With HTML and CSS (Code + Demo)
  13. How To Create Custom Radio Button Using HTML CSS
  14. How To Make 3D Flip Card Using HTML and CSS
  15. How to Create a Gradient Border in HTML & CSS
  16. Responsive Vertical Timeline Using HTML & CSS
  17. Expanding Search Bar Using HTML CSS (Code + Demo)
  18. Popup Registration Form in HTML CSS (Code + Demo)
  19. Create a Read More Read Less Button using HTML & CSS
  20. Responsive Automatic Image Slider in HTML CSS
  21. How To Create a Bottom Navigation Bar HTML CSS
  22. How to Make a Responsive Image Slider in HTML CSS
  23. Simple Custom Select Dropdown using HTML and CSS
  24. Animated Hamburger Menu using HTML CSS (Free Code)
  25. Popup Contact Form using HTML and CSS (Free Code)
  26. Simple 3D Text Animation Effects using HTML & CSS
  27. Simple Loading Animation using HTML & CSS (Free Code)
  28. Simple Button Hover Effects using HTML & CSS (Free Code)
  29. Responsive Checkout Form using HTML CSS (Free Code)
  30. Login Form with Floating Label using HTML & CSS
  31. Pulsing Heart Animation Using HTML and CSS
  32. 5 Star Rating System Using HTML and CSS (Free Code)
  33. Responsive Contact us Form using HTML CSS (Free Code)
  34. How To Make an Animated Search Bar using HTML CSS
  35. Animated Social Media Buttons using HTML & CSS
  36. Login and Registration Form using HTML and CSS
  37. Responsive Accordion Menu using HTML and CSS
  38. Animated Login Form Design Using HTML CSS
  39. Skeleton Loading Animation using HTML & CSS
  40. Glassmorphism Profile Card Design using HTML and CSS
  41. Automatic Multiple Image Slider in HTML CSS
  42. Automatic and Manual Image Slider in HTML CSS
  43. Simple Transparent Login Form using HTML CSS
  44. How Make a Basic Calculator using HTML & CSS
  45. Responsive Image Gallery using HTML and CSS
  46. Simple Registration Form Source Code | HTML CSS
  47. 3D Cube Image Slider using HTML & CSS (2023 Update)
  48. Responsive Footer Design using HTML & CSS
  49. Image Lightbox & Gallery using HTML CSS
  50. Floating Social Media Icons using HTML CSS
  51. How to Create Automatic Popup Window using HTML & CSS
  52. Email Subscription Form using HTML & CSS
  53. BMI Calculator using Javascript, HTML & CSS
  54. How to Create Image Slider in HTML & CSS
  55. Simple Navigation Bar with Tooltip Using HTML and CSS
  56. Responsive Registration Form using HTML and CSS
  57. Our Team Section Design using HTML and CSS
  58. 3d Image Slider using HTML and CSS
  59. Responsive Top Navigation Menu Bar with HTML CSS
  60. Skeleton Screen Loading Animation using HTML & CSS
  61. Create a Custom Toggle Switch with HTML & CSS
  62. Blog Post Card Design using HTML & CSS
  63. Circular Progress Bar using only HTML and CSS
  64. Transparent Login Form with HTML and CSS (Free Code)
  65. Simple Responsive Footer Design using HTML and CSS
  66. CSS Neumorphism Login Form with HTML & CSS
  67. 3d Image Slider with Carousel using HTML & CSS
  68. How To Create a Popup Login Form using only CSS & HTML
  69. How To Create Text Typing Animation using HTML & CSS
  70. How To Create a Simple dropdown Menu with CSS & HTML
  71. Create A Circular Progress Bar using only HTML and CSS
  72. Glassmorphism Login Form in HTML & CSS (2021)
  73. Simple Profile Card UI Design using HTML and CSS
  74. How to Create Responsive Image Gallery using HTML and CSS
  75. Text Typing Animation HTML CSS
  76. Animated Skills Bar HTML & CSS (For Beginners)
  77. How to Create Automatic Image Slider in HTML and CSS
  78. Neumorphism Login Form using HTML & CSS
  79. Responsive Navigation Menu bar using HTML & CSS
  80. Neumorphism Sidebar Menu Using HTML and CSS
  81. Simple PopUp Login Form Using HTML and CSS
  82. Drop Down Navigation Menu bar Using HTML and CSS
  83. Navigation Menu Bar Design Using HTML and CSS
  84. Pure CSS Flip Card On Hover Using HTML & CSS
  85. Fullscreen Overlay Responsive Navigation Menu Using HTML & CSS
  86. Awesome Animated Search bar using HTML & CSS
  87. Glassmorphism login form Design using HTML and CSS
  88. Simple Login and Registration Form Using HTML CSS
  89. How to Create a Simple Login Form Using HTML and CSS
  90. Popup Login Form Design Using HTML and CSS
  91. Glassmorphism login form UI Design using HTML & CSS
  92. Animated Search Bar Using Only HTML and CSS
  93. Neumorphism Login Form UI Design Using HTML and CSS
  94. Circular Progress Bar Using HTML and CSS
  95. How To Create Pop Up Login Form Using HTML and CSS
  96. Responsive Top Navigation Menu Bar Using HTML & CSS
  97. How To Create Drop Down Menu In HTML and CSS
  98. Amazing Neumorphism Social Media Button Using HTML & CSS
  99. How To Create A Pagination Using HTML and CSS
  100. How To Create An FAQ Accordion Menu Using Only HTML & CSS
  101. 3D Social Media Buttons Using Simple HTML and CSS Code
  102. How to Create Neon Animation Light Button using HTML and CSS
  103. How to Change Selected Text Background Color in CSS
  104. How to Create Pulse Animation Using CSS (Code + Demo)
  105. Smooth Background Image Zoom Using CSS (Free Code)
  106. QR Code Generator Using JavaScript & CSS (Free Code)
  107. How to Create Animated Background using CSS
  108. Simple Social Media Icons Hover Effect with CSS
  109. Simple Rainbow Text Animation Using CSS (Free Code)
  110. Smooth Zoom Transition Using CSS (Free Code)
  111. 3D Image Hover Effects Using CSS (Free Code)
  112. Simple Paper Folding Effect Using CSS (Free Code)
  113. CSS Button Gradient Border Animation (Free Code)
  114. Simple Image Hover Effects using CSS
  115. Gradient Button Animation Effects using CSS
  116. How to Build a Simple Responsive Layout with CSS Grid
  117. Simple CSS Tab Bar with Animation (Tutorial + Code)
  118. Simple CSS Gradient Button Animation (Tutorial + Free Code)
  119. Circle Animation CSS & HTML (Step by Step)
  120. Simple Feedback Form in HTML CSS (Code + Demo)
  121. Responsive Testimonial Slider HTML CSS (Code + Demo)
  122. Accordion Image Gallery with HTML & CSS (Free Code)
  123. Skeuomorphism Button Using HTML & CSS (Free Code)
  124. Simple Snowfall Animation using HTML CSS (Free Code)
  125. Create a Custom Tooltip Using HTML & CSS (Free Code)
  126. Simple Vertical Navigation Menu Using HTML & CSS
  127. Responsive Navigation Menu Bar in HTML and CSS
  128. Simple Image Hover Effects in HTML & CSS
  129. How to Create a Custom Toggle Switch Using HTML CSS
  130. Simple 3D Button With HTML and CSS (Code + Demo)
  131. How To Create Custom Radio Button Using HTML CSS
  132. How To Make 3D Flip Card Using HTML and CSS
  133. How to Create a Gradient Border in HTML & CSS
  134. Responsive Vertical Timeline Using HTML & CSS
  135. Expanding Search Bar Using HTML CSS (Code + Demo)
  136. Popup Registration Form in HTML CSS (Code + Demo)
  137. Create a Read More Read Less Button using HTML & CSS
  138. Responsive Automatic Image Slider in HTML CSS
  139. How To Create a Bottom Navigation Bar HTML CSS
  140. How to Make a Responsive Image Slider in HTML CSS
  141. Simple Custom Select Dropdown using HTML and CSS
  142. Animated Hamburger Menu using HTML CSS (Free Code)
  143. Popup Contact Form using HTML and CSS (Free Code)
  144. Simple 3D Text Animation Effects using HTML & CSS
  145. Simple Loading Animation using HTML & CSS (Free Code)
  146. Simple Button Hover Effects using HTML & CSS (Free Code)
  147. Responsive Checkout Form using HTML CSS (Free Code)
  148. Login Form with Floating Label using HTML & CSS\
  149. Pulsing Heart Animation Using HTML and CS
  150. 5 Star Rating System Using HTML and CSS (Free Code)
  151. Responsive Contact us Form using HTML CSS (Free Code)
  152. How To Make an Animated Search Bar using HTML CSS
  153. Animated Social Media Buttons using HTML & CSS
  154. Login and Registration Form using HTML and CSS
  155. Responsive Accordion Menu using HTML and CSS
  156. Animated Login Form Design Using HTML CSS
  157. Responsive Automatic Image Slider in HTML
  158. Skeleton Loading Animation using HTML & CSS
  159. Glassmorphism Profile Card Design using HTML and CSS
  160. Automatic Multiple Image Slider in HTML CSS
  161. Automatic and Manual Image Slider in HTML CSS
  162. Simple Transparent Login Form using HTML CSS
  163. How Make a Basic Calculator using HTML & CSS
  164. Responsive Image Gallery using HTML and CSS
  165. Simple Registration Form Source Code | HTML CSS
  166. 3D Cube Image Slider using HTML & CSS (2023 Update)
  167. Responsive Footer Design using HTML & CSS
  168. Image Lightbox & Gallery using HTML CSS
  169. Floating Social Media Icons using HTML CSS
  170. Button Ripple Effect using HTML, CSS & JavaScript
  171. Automatic Image Slider in HTML, CSS & Jquery
  172. Create A Custom Video Player using JavaScript & HTML
  173. Simple FAQ Section using HTML, CSS & JavaScript
  174. Custom Range Slider using HTML CSS & JavaScript
  175. How to Create Stopwatch using HTML CSS JavaScript
  176. Responsive Sidebar Menu using HTML CSS and JavaScript
  177. Aspect Ratio Calculator Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  178. Image Comparison Slider using HTML, CSS and Javascript
  179. Javascript Confirm Password validation with HTML & CSS
  180. Javascript Limit Characters in textbox with HTML & CSS
  181. Responsive Filterable Image Gallery using HTML, CSS & Javascript
  182. Animated Accordion Menu using HTML, CSS & Javascript
  183. Circular Progress Bar using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  184. 3D Image Slider using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  185. Automatic Image Slider in Html, CSS and Javascript
  186. Simple Analog Clock using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  187. Glowing Digital Clock Using HTML, CSS & JavaScript
  188. Login and Registration Form Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  189. Sidebar Menu Using HTML, CSS & JavaScript
  190. Create Image Slider Using HTML, CSS, and javaScript
  191. Simple Analog Clock using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  192. Make an Analog Clock using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  193. Build a Simple Digital Clock with JavaScript, HTML and CSS
  194. Text Typing Animation Effect Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  195. Responsive Personal Portfolio Website Using HTML, CSS, javascript
  196. How To Create An Image Slider Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  197. How To Create A Calculator Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  198. Create an Analog Clock using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  199. Create Read More Read Less in jQuery (Free Code)
  200. Alarm Clock With React JS (Code + Demo)
  201. How to Create an Image Slider in React JS
  202. Drag and Drop sortable list in React JS (Code + Demo)
  203. How To Copy Text To Clipboard In React JS (Free Code)
  204. Simple Number Guessing Game in JavaScript (Free Code)
  205. Show-Hide Password Toggle in JavaScript (Free Code)
  206. How to Create a Snake Game In JavaScript (Free Code)
  207. How to Create Tic Tac Toe with JavaScript (Free Code)
  208. How to Create Automatic Image Slider in React JS
  209. Drag & Drop File Upload in JavaScript (Source Code)
  210. How to detect Internet speed with JavaScript
  211. Simple Circular Progress Bar with React JS
  212. Text To Speech Converter Using JavaScript (Free Code)
  213. How to Create Modal Popup in React JS (Free Code)
  214. Simple JavaScript Audio Player for Beginners (Free Code)
  215. How to Create a Countdown Timer with JavaScript
  216. Simple Image Magnifier using JavaScript & CSS
  217. How to Create a Virtual Keyboard in JavaScript
  218. Registration Form with JavaScript Validation (Free Code)
  219. Image to PDF Converter using JavaScript & CSS
  220. How to Detect User Browser Using JavaScript (Free Code)
  221. Simple Weight Converter using JavaScript (Code + Demo)
  222. Animated Eyes Follow Mouse Cursor in JavaScript
  223. How to Create a Digital Clock in JavaScript
  224. How to Zoom Image on Scroll using JavaScript
  225. How to Get Day Name of the Week in JavaScript
  226. Draggable Div Element using JavaScript (Code + Demo)
  227. How to Play Sound On Click Using JavaScript
  228. How to Create a Palindrome Checker in JavaScript
  229. How to Check Password Strength in JavaScript
  230. Simple Mouse Cursor Effects using JavaScript (Free Code)
  231. How to Detect Enter Key Press in JavaScript (Free Code)
  232. Drag and Drop Elements Using JavaScript & CSS
  233. Custom Right Click Context Menu using JavaScript
  234. How To Create a Modal Popup using JavaScript
  235. Responsive Counter Up Animation using JavaScript
  236. How to Create a Word Counter in JavaScript (Free Code)
  237. Random Quote Generator using JavaScript & CSS
  238. How to Create JavaScript Password Generator (Free Code)
  239. Number Guessing Game Using JavaScript (Free Code)
  240. Create Copy to Clipboard using JavaScript (Just 2 Lines)
  241. Days Between Two Dates Using JavaScript & CSS
  242. How to Get Mouse Position in JavaScript (Free Code)
  243. Simple Character Counter using JavaScript & CSS
  244. Simple Rain Animation Effects using CSS & JavaScript
  245. 30 Minutes Countdown Timer Using JavaScript
  246. How To Make RGB Color Generator Using JavaScript
  247. Background Color Switcher Using JavaScript & CSS
  248. How to Make a Simple Tip Calculator in JavaScript
  249. Simple Loan Calculator using JavaScript & CSS
  250. Show and Hide Password Using jQuery and CSS
  251. Make a Digital Clock with Date using JavaScript
  252. Save Textarea Text to a File using JavaScript
  253. Height Converter App using JavaScript – Free Source Code
  254. Simple Weather App using JavaScript – Free Source Code
  255. Gradient Color Generator using JavaScript (Free Code)
  256. Day and Night Mode Toggle using JavaScript
  257. Random Joke Generator using JavaScript & API
  258. How to Create JavaScript Copy to Clipboard
  259. How to Make a Todo List using JavaScript
  260. Show Hide Password Using JavaScript – Code + Tutorial
  261. How To Create JavaScript Range Slider with min and max
  262. Random Color Generator with JavaScript & CSS
  263. Coin Flip Game using JavaScript & CSS
  264. How to Make Simple Email Validation in Javascript
  265. Random Gradient Generator with JavaScript & CSS
  266. Create a Simple Stopwatch using JavaScript (Tutorial + Code)
  267. Digital Clock using JavaScript & CSS (Tutorial + Code)
  268. Image Zoom on Hover using Pure Javascript & CSS
  269. How to Create a Countdown Timer with JavaScript & CSS
  270. Image Upload With Preview Using Javascript and CSS
  271. Javascript Analog Clock Tutorial For Beginners
  272. Javascript Accordion Menu
  273. Text Typing Animation Effect using Javascript
  274. Simple Digital Clock using javascript (For Beginners)
  275. Simple Analog Clock using javascript (For Beginners)
  276. Javascript Age Calculator | Calculate Age from Date of Birth
  277. Simple Countdown Timer using JavaScript
  278. Random Password Generator with JavaScript
  279. Simple JavaScript calculator Tutorial for Beginners
  280. How to Make a Word Counter with JavaScript ‍
  281. How to Create a digital clock with date using JavaScript
  282. Expanding Card with HTML, CSS & JavaScript (Free Code)
  283. Create a Tags Input Box in HTML CSS & JavaScript
  284. Drawing App using HTML, CSS and JavaScript (Free Code)
  285. Custom Music Player with JavaScript & HTML (Free Code)
  286. Double Vertical Slider with HTML CSS & JavaScript
  287. Step Progress Bar with HTML CSS & JavaScript (Free Code)
  288. Simple Quiz App Using JavaScript & HTML (Free Code)
  289. How to Create Alarm Clock in HTML CSS & JavaScript
  290. File Upload with Progress Bar in JavaScript & HTML
  291. Automatic Image Slider with Text in HTML, CSS & JavaScript
  292. Create OTP Input Field using JavaScript & HTML (Free Code)
  293. Image Color Picker using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  294. Price Range Slider Using HTML CSS and JavaScript
  295. Sidebar Dropdown Menu Using HTML, CSS & JavaScript
  296. Simple Popup Form Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  297. Login and Registration Form Using HTML CSS JavaScript
  298. 15+ Scroll Down Button HTML CSS (Free Code)
  299. 10+ Flashlight Effect using HTML CSS (Free Code)
  300. 15+ Drop Down Navigation Menu HTML (Code + Demo)
  301. 30+ CSS Hexagon With Text (Code + Demo)
  302. 20+ CSS Play Button (Code + Demo)
  303. 20+ Horizontal Timeline CSS (Code + Demo)
  304. 20+ JavaScript Background Effects (Demo + Free Code)
  305. 20+ Best CSS Confetti Animation (Free Code + Demo)
  306. 20+ Circular Navigation Menu (Code + Demo)
  307. 20+ Button Click Effect CSS (Code + Demo)
  308. 20+ CSS Heartbeat Animation (Code + Demo)
  309. 20+ CSS Wave Animation (Code + Demo)
  310. 10+ Animated Right Arrow CSS (Code + Demo )
  311. 10+ Animated Bubbles Background CSS (Code + Demo)
  312. 20+ CSS Text Typing Animation Effects (Code + Demo)
  313. 30+ CSS Profile Card Design (Code + Demo)
  314. 20+ CSS Animated Backgrounds Effects (Code + Demo)
  315. 12+ Best CSS 3D Text Effects (Code + Demo)
  316. 10+ CSS Heart Loading Animation (Demo + Code)
  317. 12+ CSS Rain Effect | Simple Rain Animation Effect
  318. 12+ JavaScript Show Hide Password (Code + Demo)
  319. 12+ CSS Image Hover Effects (Free Code + Demo)
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