Detect Plagiarism in files using Python With Source Code


Hello Curious Coders,
In this project we are going to discuss how to check the plagiarism between the
contents present in two different text files. In python this can be done using
predefined package difflib but we are going to check it manually. Let’s get into it….

Source Code :

					# import required library
from tkinter import *

# First we need to read the contents of two files
with open('File_1.txt') as f1:
    for i in s1:
        if i.isalnum():
with open('File_2.txt') as f2:
    for i in s2:
        if i.isalnum():

# Finding how many words are common in two files

# Finding total number of words in two files

# Formula to calculate the plagarism percent

# Displaying the result
result="      The Plagarized Content Percent among two files is "+str(plag_percent)+"%"
if plag_percent30 and plag_percent<=60:
    win= Tk()
    canvas= Canvas(win, width= 700, height= 650, bg="Yellow")
    canvas.create_text(300, 100, text=result, fill="black", font=('Helvetica 15 bold'))
    win= Tk()
    canvas= Canvas(win, width= 700, height= 650, bg="Red")
    canvas.create_text(300, 100, text=result, fill="black", font=('Helvetica 15 bold'))

Code Explanation :

1. First we read the contents of two files using open() method
2. We read the contents of lines using read() function which return as string.
So we splitted that string into list of words by excluding punctuation marks(,).
3. We extacted the common words from two lists by conveting them to sets.
4. Next we calcualted the length of plagarised words and total words present in two files.
5. Finally we applied a formual there to calculate the plagarised content from two files and printed it on the screen

Output :

Detect plagiarism in files using Python

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