GUI Digital Clock Using Python with Source Code


In this Project, I will show you. How to Create Graphical User Interface of Digital Clock and How to Design your clock beautifully. We are Using Tkinter, which is a framework of Python Programming Language. In which we can design your outer part of the project or an application. tkinter mainly provides a good user experience and is understandable by a non-technical person easily.

Now we start work with Tkinter for creating our digital clock. In this project, we can customize the background, font, etc. As your need.

A digital clock is a type of clock that displays the time digitally (i.e. in numerals or other symbols). We get time from CLI ( Command Line Interface) but that is not much attractive GUI( Graphical User Interface) is much more attractive as well interactive. Now we build a GUI of a digital clock in python implemented using Tkinter & Time packages/module. Before writing code some requirements for GUI 

Import Tkinter:

First, we need to install the Tkinter module. If you do not have this module already installed in your system then you can install the same using the pip package manager:

C:\User\admin> pip install tkinter

How To Run The Code : 

Step 1: Open any Python Code Editor
Step 2: Make a Python file
Step 3: Copy the code & Paste it 
Step 4: Run the file and your Program will run

Source Code:

					# importing whole module------
from tkinter import * 

# importing strftime function to capturing system's time

from time import strftime
# creating tkinter window
digital_clock = Tk()
digital_clock.title('Digital Clock')
# Display time on the label using this function
def time():
    string = strftime('%H:%M:%S %p')  # %h=hour ,%M=Minute ,%S=second ,p%=am or pm according to the given time value 
    lable.config(text = string)
    lable.after(1000, time)
#Increase the user experience designning the label widget 

lable = Label(digital_clock, font = ('calibri', 40, 'bold'),
            background = '#AA0000',
            foreground = 'white')

# clock at the centre of the tkinter window

lable.pack(anchor = 'center')
time()  #function calling



Step 1: Firstly import Tkinter & strftime from time

Step 2: Create Tkinter window & give the title

Step 3: Define the label font, background, foreground

Step 4: Pack the label at the center using anchor 

Step 5: Create a function in which string store hour, Minute, Second, AM, or PM

Step 6: Config text to string & define microsecond

Step 7: Call the function


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