GUI-Based Internet Speed Test Using Python


python language is one of the most preferred programming languages in today’s scenario of the data science field. Because of its simple syntax and vast libraries/packages/modules, implementing various applications/programs/codes is very handy.


GUI is one of the best interfaces for a user to interact with a machine/computer. Python support Tkinter library/packages/module for implementing the GUI-based application/program/code.

The given below is the code for implementing the “GUI-Based Internet Speed Test” application/program:

The libraries/packages/modules used in this code are as follows:

tkinter: This package is used for developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in python.

speedtest: This package is used to test network bandwidth using servers

$ pip install speedtest-cli

Run this command on your terminal to install the speedtest python module.

Source Code:
					# Importing Libraries Required For Code
from tkinter import * 
from speedtest import Speedtest

# Creation OF Function
def update_text(): 
    speed_test = Speedtest()
    download =
    upload = speed_test.upload()
    download_speed = round(download / (10**6), 2)
    upload_speed = round(upload / (10**6), 2)
    down_label.config(text= "Download Speed - " + str(download_speed) + "Mbps") 
    up_label.config(text= "Upload Speed - " + str(upload_speed) + "Mbps") 

# Creation OF GUI
window = Tk()
window.title("Internet Speed Testing")
button = Button(window, text="Press Here to Check Speed", width=50, command=update_text,background = '#49A')
down_label = Label(window, text="")
up_label = Label(window, text="")

# Closing of GUI

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