Word Cloud Using Python Language

WordCloud using Python

Hello Curious Coders,

WordCloud is a graphical representation technique where the words are displayed based on their frequency in the text provided. This is used when one want to analyze and find out the frequent words of a paragraph just by looking at an image. So here is the code to implement it using python


					# import wordcloud and matplotlib libraries
from wordcloud import WordCloud
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Intialize the Paragraph
text = '''CodeWithCurious.com is a highly Inofomative,Collective Website.
          CodeWithCurious.com Website is specifically meant for beginners.
          CodeWithCurious.com contains Projects, blogs and Interview Questions'''

# Create a WordCloud object
wordcloud = WordCloud().generate(text)

# Display the word cloud
plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')


Code Explanation
  • First we need to import the wordcloud to generate wordcloud
  • Matplotlib to plot the generated wordcloud
  • Next we need to intialize a pararaph to a variable which we want to plot the wordcloud
  • Then we need to create a wordcloud object using WordCloud function of wordcloud package to generate wordcloud.
  • Later using imshow() function of matplotlib we are going to display the generated wordcloud.
  • Finally using show() function of maptplotib we are display ot project the output to the user in the form of image.

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