Get Instagram Account Details using Python With Source Code

Introduction :
Hello Curious Coders,
In this Project we are going to fetch the details of an Instagram Account. There is pre defined package in python named instaloader which is going to allow us to scrape through the instagram account of someone. Let’s get into it…..
Source Code :
# Import instaloader package
import instaloader
# creating an Instaloader() object
# Taking the instagram username as input from user
usrname=input("Enter username:")
#Fetching the details of provided useraname using instaloder object
profile=instaloader.Profile.from_username(ig.context, usrname)
# Printing the fetched details and storing the profile pic of that account
print("Username: ", profile.username)
print("Number of Posts Uploaded: ", profile.mediacount)
print(profile.username+" is having " + str(profile.followers)+' followers.')
print(profile.username+" is following " + str(profile.followees)+' people')
print("Bio: ", profile.biography)
Code Explanation :
- Initially installed the instaloader package from cmd using command“pip install instaloader”
- We imported the required package instaloader
- Next we created an instaloader object
- Later we acquired username from the user using input() function
- Then we fetched all the details of the instagram user using Profile.from_username() method of instaloader package.
- Finally displayed all the fetched results on to the console.
Output :

*The Profile pic is selected in the same folder where your python file is saved in the folder which is same as user name on your system as follows….

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