Jungle Dash Game Using Python with source code with pygame module

jungle dash game using python


Dive into the excitement of jungle adventures with our new blog post, “Make Your Own Jungle Dash Game Using Python!” Ever thought about creating your own video game? Well, Python, a popular programming language, can help you do just that! This blog post will guide you through every step of creating your very own jungle-themed game using Python’s Pygame module.

Don’t worry if you’re new to programming or game development. We’ll explain everything in simple terms, making it easy for you to follow along. Pygame is a set of tools that helps you make games, and it’s perfect for beginners.

We’ll start by setting up your computer so you can write code. Then, we’ll show you how to make your character move around the screen, avoid obstacles, and even collect points! With our easy-to-understand instructions and sample code, you’ll be able to create your own version of the game in no time.

So, join us on this adventure as we explore the world of Python game development together. Get ready to unleash your creativity and have a blast making your very own Jungle Dash game!

Required Modules and their installation:

To install the required modules for this game (os, random, pygame), you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac/Linux): This is where you’ll enter the commands to install the modules.

  2. Install pygame: Pygame is the main module we need for game development. You can install it using pip, a Python package manager. Enter the following command:

    pip install pygame

    This command will download and install pygame and all its dependencies.

  3. No installation needed for os and random: These modules come built-in with Python, so you don’t need to install them separately.

How to Run the Code:

  1. Download the Repository:

    • Click on the provided link to download the code zip.
    • Extract the contents of the downloaded ZIP file to your computer.
  2. Navigate to the Directory:

    • Open the extracted folder.
  3. Open the main.py File:

    • Inside the extracted folder, locate the main.py file.
    • Open it using your preferred code editor.
  4. Run the Game:

    • Look for the “Run” button or option in your code editor’s menu and click on it.
    • Alternatively, open the terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory containing main.py, and run the command python main.py.
  5. Play the Game:

    • Once the game window opens, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the falling Tetris blocks left, right, or down.
    • Press the “Up” arrow key to rotate the falling tetromino.
    • Try to complete horizontal lines to clear them and earn points.
    • Keep playing and challenge yourself to achieve a high score!

Source Code:


jungle dash game using python 1
jungle dash game using python 2

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