Tiles– A Sliding Puzzle Game in Python With Source Code

Introduction :

Tiles is a classic sliding puzzle game where the objective is to arrange numbered tiles in a specific order. The puzzle consists of a grid with one empty space, allowing adjacent tiles to be swapped. In this implementation, the goal is to arrange tiles numbered from one to fifteen in ascending order from left to right and top to bottom. In this blog post, we’ll walk through creating the Tiles puzzle game using Python and the turtle graphics module. This project is a fun way to practice programming and understand basic game mechanics Tiles is a sliding puzzle game where the player clicks on a tile adjacent to the empty space to swap their positions. The game starts with a scrambled arrangement of tiles, and the player must move tiles around until they achieve the goal state: a grid with numbers from 1 to 15 in ascending order

Required Modules and Packages :-

To run this project, you need the turtle and freegames modules. If you don’t have freegames installed, you can install it using:

pip install freegames

How to Run the Code :-

1. Install Dependencies:

○ Ensure Python is installed.
○ Install the freegames module using pip.

2. Run the Code:

○ Savetheprovided code in a file named tiles_puzzle.py.
Run the script using Python:

 python tiles_puzzle.py

 3. Play the Game:

○ Agraphical window will open displaying the Tiles puzzle.
○ Click on a tile adjacent to the empty space to move it.
○ Yourgoal is to arrange the tiles in numerical order.

Code Explanation :-

Let’s break down the code to understand how the Tiles puzzle game is implemented:

1. Importing Modules

					 from random import *
 from turtle import *
 from freegames import floor, vector

 ● random.choice: Used to randomly choose a neighboring tile to swap.
● turtle: Used for graphical output.
● freegames: Provides utilities for drawing and managing game elements.

2. Initializing Variables

					tiles = {}
 neighbors = [
 vector(100, 0),
 vector(-100, 0),
 vector(0, 100),

 ● tiles:Adictionary that maps tile positions to their numbers or None for the empty
● neighbors: A list of vectors representing the possible moves (up, down, left, right) from
a given tile

3. Loading and Scrambling the Tiles

					def load():
 """Load tiles and scramble."""
 count = 1
 for y in range(-200, 200, 100):
 for x in range(-200, 200, 100):
 mark = vector(x, y)
 tiles[mark] = count
 count += 1
 tiles[mark] = None
 for count in range(1000):
 neighbor = choice(neighbors)
 spot = mark + neighbor
 if spot in tiles:
 number = tiles[spot]
 tiles[spot] = None
 tiles[mark] = number
 mark = spot


● load(): Initializes the tiles in a sequential order and then scrambles them by making random moves. The mark variable represents the current position of the empty space.

4. Drawing the Tiles

					 def square(mark, number):
 """Draw white square with black outline and number."""
 goto(mark.x, mark.y)
 color('black', 'white')
 for count in range(4):
 if number is None:
 elif number < 10:
 write(number, font=('Arial', 60, 'normal'))

 ● square(mark, number): Draws a tile at the specified position with a number. The tile has a white background with a black border. If the tile is empty, it just draws the border
without a number.

5. Handling Tile Moves

					def tap(x, y):
 """Swap tile and empty square."""
 x = floor(x, 100)
 y = floor(y, 100)
 mark = vector(x, y)
for neighbor in neighbors:
 spot = mark + neighbor
 if spot in tiles and tiles[spot] is None:
 number = tiles[mark]
 tiles[spot] = number
 square(spot, number)
 tiles[mark] = None
 square(mark, None)

 ● tap(x, y):Handles mouse clicks. It converts the click position into the nearest tile position and swaps it with the empty space if it is adjacent.

6. Drawing All Tiles

					 setup(420, 420, 370, 0)

 ● setup(): Initializes the graphical window with a width and height of 420.
● hideturtle(): Hides the turtle cursor for a cleaner look.
● tracer(False): Disables automatic screen updates for better performance.
● load(): Initializes and scrambles the tiles.
● draw(): Draws the initial state of the puzzle.
● onscreenclick(tap): Sets up the tap() function to handle tile interactions.
● done(): Completes the setup and starts the game loop

Source Code :

					from random import *
from turtle import *
from freegames import floor, vector

tiles = {}
neighbors = [
    vector(100, 0),
    vector(-100, 0),
    vector(0, 100),
    vector(0, -100),

def load():
    """Load tiles and scramble."""
    count = 1
    for y in range(-200, 200, 100):
        for x in range(-200, 200, 100):
            mark = vector(x, y)
            tiles[mark] = count
            count += 1
    tiles[mark] = None
    for count in range(1000):
        neighbor = choice(neighbors)
        spot = mark + neighbor
        if spot in tiles:
            number = tiles[spot]
            tiles[spot] = None
            tiles[mark] = number
            mark = spot

def square(mark, number):
    """Draw white square with black outline and number."""
    goto(mark.x, mark.y)
    color('black', 'white')
    for count in range(4):
    if number is None:
    elif number < 10:
        write(number, font=('Arial', 60, 'normal'))

def tap(x, y):
    """Swap tile and empty square."""
    x = floor(x, 100)
    y = floor(y, 100)
    mark = vector(x, y)
    for neighbor in neighbors:
        spot = mark + neighbor
        if spot in tiles and tiles[spot] is None:
            number = tiles[mark]
            tiles[spot] = number
            square(spot, number)
            tiles[mark] = None
            square(mark, None)

def draw():
    """Draw all tiles."""
    for mark in tiles:
        square(mark, tiles[mark])

setup(420, 420, 370, 0)


Output :

Running the code will open a graphical window displaying the Tiles puzzle game. Click on a tile adjacent to the empty space to move it. Arrange the tiles in numerical order to complete the puzzle.

For more information on the turtle and freegames modules, check out their documentation:
Turtle Graphics Documentation

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