Figma Clone Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ReactJs With Source Code


Introduction :

This project is a Figma clone, allowing multiple users to collaboratively draw, edit, and manipulate shapes on a canvas in real-time. It leverages Fabric.js for canvas manipulation and Liveblocks for real-time data synchronization between users.

Key Technologies Used:

React.js: This is the main framework we use to build the user interface of our application. React.js helps us create interactive and dynamic web pages.

Fabric.js: This is a powerful JavaScript library that makes working with the HTML5 canvas element easier. Fabric.js helps us draw shapes, add images, and interact with the canvas in a user-friendly way.

Liveblocks: This tool allows multiple users to see changes in real-time. When one user draws a shape or moves an object, everyone else sees the change instantly. Liveblocks ensures that our canvas stays synchronized for all users.

Explanation :

File Structure :

This is the main component where most of the application logic resides.

Initialization and State Management
  • Undo and Redo: Using hooks from Liveblocks (useUndo, useRedo), providing undo and redo functionality.
  • Canvas Objects Storage: Using useStorage hook from Liveblocks to store and synchronize canvas objects.
  • References and State Variables:
    • canvasRef: Reference to the HTML canvas element.
    • fabricRef: Reference to the Fabric.js canvas instance.
    • Various refs like isDrawing, shapeRef, selectedShapeRef, etc., to manage drawing state, selected shapes, and active elements.
    • State variables for activeElement and elementAttributes.
Functions and Event Handlers
  • Mutations: Using useMutation to define mutations for deleting and syncing shapes in Liveblocks storage.
  • Active Element Handler: handleActiveElement function to set the active element in the toolbar and trigger respective actions (e.g., delete, reset, upload image).
UseEffect Hooks
  • Canvas Initialization: Initializes Fabric.js canvas, sets up event listeners for mouse actions, object modifications, scaling, and window resize.
  • Canvas Rendering: Re-renders the canvas when the Liveblocks storage (canvasObjects) changes.
  • Main Layout: Contains Navbar, LeftSidebar, Live, and RightSidebar components.
  • Navbar: Handles image uploads and active element selection.
  • LeftSidebar: Lists all shapes.
  • Live: Displays the canvas.
  • RightSidebar: Displays and updates element attributes.

Sets up the Liveblocks room provider.

  • RoomProvider: Initializes the presence and storage for the room.
  • ClientSideSuspense: Ensures loading state is handled with a fallback loader.

Contains global styles and Tailwind CSS utilities.

  • Global Styles: Basic styles for the application.
  • Tailwind CSS Utilities: Custom utilities for various UI components like input fields and right sidebar menu.

Defines the root layout of the application.

  • Metadata: Sets the title and description of the application.
  • Google Font: Imports Work Sans font.
  • Room Component: Wraps the children components inside the Room provider to enable real-time collaboration.

Disables server-side rendering for the App component to avoid pre-rendering issues with the canvas element.

  • Dynamic Import: Uses dynamic from Next.js to import App with ssr: false.
JavaScript Logic
Main Event Handlers (from @/lib/canvas)
  • Mouse Events:

    • handleCanvasMouseDown: Initializes shape creation or selection on mouse down.
    • handleCanvaseMouseMove: Updates the shape being drawn or moved.
    • handleCanvasMouseUp: Finalizes the shape creation or modification.
    • handlePathCreated: Handles creation of paths (freeform drawing).
    • handleCanvasObjectModified: Updates storage when an object is modified.
    • handleCanvasObjectMoving: Handles movement of objects.
    • handleCanvasSelectionCreated: Handles selection of objects.
    • handleCanvasObjectScaling: Handles object scaling.
    • handleCanvasZoom: Manages zoom in and out on the canvas.
    • handleResize: Adjusts canvas size on window resize.
  • Key Events (from @/lib/key-events):

    • handleDelete: Deletes selected shape.
    • handleKeyDown: Handles keyboard shortcuts for delete, undo, redo, etc.

Conclusion :

This Figma clone project demonstrates a comprehensive use of React.js for UI, Fabric.js for canvas manipulation, and Liveblocks for real-time collaboration. The code is well-structured, with clear separation of concerns between different functionalities, making it easy to understand and extend. The use of hooks and context ensures a responsive and interactive user experience, while the integration with Liveblocks enables seamless real-time collaboration.

Source Code :

Output :


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