YouTube Clone Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ReactJs​ With Source Code


Introduction :

This project is a YouTube clone built using React.js, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, especially single-page applications. The clone mimics the core functionalities of YouTube, including video playback, channel viewing, searching for videos, and a dynamic feed. It utilizes the react-router-dom library for client-side routing and axios for making HTTP requests to the YouTube API.

Explanation :

Project Structure
  1. App Component: The core component that sets up the routing structure of the application.
  2. Global Styles: Defined in index.css to ensure consistent styling across the application.
  3. Entry Point: index.js serves as the entry point for the React application.
  4. Utility Constants: Defined in utils/constants.js to store static data such as categories and demo URLs.
  5. API Fetching: Handled in fetchFromApi.js using axios to interact with the YouTube API.
App Component:
  • BrowserRouter: This component is used to wrap the entire application, enabling the use of React Router for navigation.
  • Box: A Material UI component used to style the container. In this case, it sets the background color.
  • Routes: Defines the various routes in the application and the corresponding components that should be rendered for each route.
    • Navbar: The navigation bar component, which is always displayed.
    • Feed: Displays the main feed of videos on the home page (/).
    • VideoDetail: Shows the details of a specific video when the user navigates to /video/:id.
    • ChannelDetail: Displays details of a specific channel when the user navigates to /channel/:id.
    • SearchFeed: Shows search results when the user performs a search (/search/:searchTerm).
Global Styles (index.css) :
  • Basic Styling: Resets default margins and paddings and applies a box-sizing rule to ensure padding and borders are included in the element’s total width and height.
  • Link Styling: Removes underline and sets the default color for links.
  • Scrollbar Styling: Customizes the appearance of the scrollbar.
  • Category Button Styling: Defines styles for category buttons, including hover effects and responsive behavior for different screen sizes.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures the application is responsive and adjusts elements like the search bar and video player based on the screen size.
Entry Point (index.js)
  • ReactDOM: Renders the App component into the root DOM element.
  • CSS Import: Imports the global CSS styles.
Utility Constants (utils/constants.js):
  • Icons: Imports various Material UI icons used throughout the application.
  • Logo: URL of the application’s logo.
  • Categories: An array of category objects, each with a name and an icon. This data is used to display different categories of videos.
  • Demo Data: URLs and titles for demo videos and channels, used as placeholders or defaults within the application.
API Fetching (fetchFromApi.js):
  • axios: A promise-based HTTP client used to make requests to the YouTube API.
  • BASE_URL: The base URL for the YouTube API endpoints.
  • Options: Configuration for the API request, including query parameters and headers with the API key.
  • fetchFromAPI Function: An asynchronous function that makes a GET request to a specified endpoint of the YouTube API and returns the fetched data.
Purpose of Functions:
  • App Component: Manages the overall structure of the application and the routing between different components.
  • fetchFromAPI: Centralizes the logic for fetching data from the YouTube API, ensuring that API requests are made consistently throughout the application.
Additional Components:
  • Navbar: Contains the navigation elements and possibly a search bar.
  • Feed: Displays a list or grid of videos, likely fetched from the API.
  • VideoDetail: Shows detailed information about a selected video, including the video player, description, and related videos.
  • ChannelDetail: Displays information about a specific channel, including channel videos and possibly subscriber information.
  • SearchFeed: Displays search results based on the user’s query.
Instructions to Run this Project :

Step 01 : Download the zip file of source code (given below) and extract it.

Step 02 : Navigate to the Project Directory:

  • Once the repository is cloned, navigate into the project directory using the cd command: cd <project_directory>
  • Replace <project_directory> with the name of the directory where the project was cloned.

Step 03 : Install Dependencies:

  • Inside the project directory, run the following command to install project dependencies using Yarn : npm install
  • This command will read the package.json file and install all required dependencies listed in it.

Step 04 : Run the Project:

  • After installing dependencies, you can start the development server using the following command: npm start
  • This command will start the development server and automatically open the project in your default web browser.
  • Once the development server is up and running, you can access the project by opening your web browser and navigating to the specified address (usually http://localhost:3000).


This YouTube clone project showcases the use of React.js for building a single-page application with dynamic routing and API interaction. It leverages modern web development practices and tools like react-router-dom for navigation, axios for HTTP requests, and Material UI for styling and icons. By organizing the application into well-defined components and utilities, it maintains a clean and scalable codebase.

Source Code :

Output :


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