A Funny Login Page Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

A Funny Login Page Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


Hello Friend, In this project, I have created a funny login page using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It features a Rube Goldberg-inspired mechanism where user interaction triggers a chain reaction of animations, ultimately making the submit button visible. These animations look very cool. The aim is to make a routine login experience more entertaining and memorable.

The design involves gears, levers, weights, and even hands working together to process your login information. Each user action adds a delightful visual touch, making this page perfect for adding humor to a portfolio or a playful web app.

How to Run the Code

  1. Create the Project Files

    • Create three files: index.html, style.css, and script.js.
    • Link the CSS and JavaScript files in the index.html file.
  2. Write the HTML

    • Add input fields for the username and email, a checkbox for the agreement, and a submit button.
    • Use SVG or images to include the gears, pulleys, and other mechanical elements.
  3. Style with CSS

    • Use CSS to design the layout and position elements precisely.
    • Add animations to the gears, pulleys, and levers to create a smooth and visually engaging effect.
  4. Add JavaScript Functionality

    • Use JavaScript to control the sequence of animations triggered by user actions, such as entering text or clicking the checkbox.
    • Ensure the final step submits the form after the entire sequence completes.
  5. Test the Page

    • Open the HTML file in your browser and test the interactions. Adjust animations and timing as needed for the best user experience.

Code Explanation

  • HTML Structure:
    The form contains input fields for username and email, a checkbox for agreement, and a submit button. Additional elements represent the mechanical components.

  • CSS Animations:
    Keyframes and transitions are used to animate the gears and pulleys when inputs are filled or clicked. CSS classes are dynamically added and removed via JavaScript to control the animations.

  • JavaScript Logic:
    Event listeners are attached to form inputs, triggering specific animations when users interact with the page. Once all conditions are met, the final “submit” sequence starts.

Source Code

See the Pen login page by smart_coder (@Yash-Flipkart) on CodePen.


See the Pen login page by smart_coder (@Yash-Flipkart) on CodePen.

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