Weather App using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & ReactJs


Introduction :

The React Weather App is a web application designed to provide users with up-to-date weather information for various cities around the world. Leveraging React.js, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, this app offers an intuitive and dynamic user experience. By integrating with the OpenWeatherMap API, users can access real-time weather data simply by inputting the name of a city.

The primary goal of the React Weather App is to deliver accurate weather forecasts to users in a convenient and accessible manner. Key functionalities include:

City Input: Users can enter the name of a city into the app’s interface.

Weather Data Retrieval: Upon submitting a city name, the app asynchronously fetches weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API.

Dynamic Display: The app dynamically updates its interface to display the retrieved weather information, including temperature, weather conditions, and corresponding weather icons.

Visual Representation: Weather conditions are visually represented using custom icons corresponding to various weather states such as sunny, cloudy, rainy, etc.

The React Weather App utilizes a modern technology stack to achieve its functionality:

React.js: The core of the application, React.js facilitates the creation of reusable UI components and manages the app’s state and rendering logic efficiently.

styled-components: Styling is handled using styled-components, a CSS-in-JS library that allows developers to write CSS directly within their JavaScript code.

Axios: For making HTTP requests to the OpenWeatherMap API, Axios, a promise-based HTTP client, is employed to fetch weather data asynchronously.

OpenWeatherMap API: The app leverages the OpenWeatherMap API to access real-time weather data based on the user’s input city.

Explanation :


  1. Imports:

    • React: To define React components and utilize React hooks like useState.
    • styled-components: For styling components with CSS-in-JS approach.
    • Axios: To make HTTP requests for fetching weather data.
    • CityComponent and WeatherComponent: Custom components for handling city input and displaying weather information.
  2. WeatherIcons Object:

    • This object maps weather condition codes to corresponding icon paths.
  3. Container styled-component:

    • It defines the styling for the main container of the app.
  4. AppLabel styled-component:

    • This is a styled span element for displaying the label of the app.
  5. CloseButton styled-component:

    • Although it’s defined, it’s not used in the current code.
  6. App Component:

    • It’s a functional component named “App”.
    • Uses React’s useState hook to manage state for city and weather data.
    • Defines a fetchWeather function that makes an asynchronous call to the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch weather data based on the entered city.
    • Renders a Container component that holds either the WeatherComponent or CityComponent based on whether city and weather data are available.


  1. Imports:

    • React: Required for defining React components.
    • ReactDOM: Necessary for rendering React components into the DOM.
    • ‘./index.css’: Imports the CSS file for styling.
    • App: Imports the main component of the application.
  2. ReactDOM.render():

    • This function renders the root component <App /> into the DOM.
    • It’s wrapped in <React.StrictMode> for additional development mode checks and warnings.
    • The rendered component is placed inside the HTML element with the id ‘root’, which is typically a <div> element in the HTML file where the React app is mounted.

JavaScript Logic:

  • useState hook is used to manage state for city and weather data.
  • fetchWeather function makes an asynchronous HTTP request using Axios to fetch weather data based on the entered city.
  • Conditional rendering is employed to display either the CityComponent or WeatherComponent based on the availability of city and weather data.

Purpose of Functions:

  • useState: To manage state variables for city and weather data.
  • fetchWeather: To fetch weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API based on the entered city.
  • App Component: To render the main structure of the Weather App and manage state transitions between CityComponent and WeatherComponent.

Instructions to run this project :

Step 01 : Download the zip file of source code (given below) and extract it.

Step 02 : Navigate to the Project Directory:

  • Once the repository is cloned, navigate into the project directory using the cd command: cd <project_directory>
  • Replace <project_directory> with the name of the directory where the project was cloned.

Step 03 : Install Dependencies:

  • Inside the project directory, run the following command to install project dependencies using Yarn : yarn install
  • This command will read the package.json file and install all required dependencies listed in it.

Step 04 : Run the Project:

  • After installing dependencies, you can start the development server using the following command: yarn start
  • This command will start the development server and automatically open the project in your default web browser.
  • Once the development server is up and running, you can access the project by opening your web browser and navigating to the specified address (usually http://localhost:3000).
  • You can now explore the e-commerce app, navigate through different pages, interact with components, and experience the functionality firsthand.



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