Convert Image Into Sketch using Python

In This Article, we’ll learn how to convert an image into a pencil sketch using python and CV2. CV2 is a python Module for OpenCV python. OpenCV has a function to read video, which is cv2. VideoCapture() also we can access the webcam using the CV2.
In this Tutorial for Generating the pencil sketch, we’ll first Convert the image into a gray image. then the gray image is converted into the inverted image after that generated inverted image is converted into the blurred image then they converted into the invertblur and finally the sketch image is generated.
Checkout the below images you’ll get an idea.

Installation of CV2:
$ pip install opencv-python
# Importing the Required Moduel
import cv2 as cv
# Reading the image
# Replace this image name to your image name
image = cv.imread("iron.jpeg")
# Converting the Image into gray_image
gray_image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Inverting the Imge
invert_image = cv.bitwise_not(gray_image)
# Blur Image
blur_image = cv.GaussianBlur(invert_image, (21,21), 0)
# Inverting the Blured Image
invert_blur = cv.bitwise_not(blur_image)
# Convert Image Into sketch
sketch = cv.divide(gray_image, invert_blur, scale=256.0)
# Generating the Sketch Image Named as Sketch.png
cv.imwrite("Sketch4.png", invert_blur)

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