QR Code & Bar Code Detection Using Open CV Python With Source Code

Introduction :

Today We Make a QR Code & Bar Code Detector Using Open CV Python , A Versatile Programming Language . To Make the Detector , We need some modules or Packages from Python Library Like numpy , cv2 , qrcode . Open CV is a Powerfull Computer Vision Library . QR Code & Bar Code Detection is a very essential feature in modern Application . Eg :- In Phonpe app , we can Pay Money by scannig Qr Code . QR Code , which store data in two dimensional matrix . Barcode , which store informations in linear patterns . Open CV Is used to Detecting & Decoding these types of codes and extract their information stored in These Codes .

Language And Interface :-

QR Code & Bar Code Detection Using Python , A Versatile Programming Language With
Source Code .

Required Modules Or Packages:-

You Need The Packages List Given Below :-
1. Numpy :- It is a core library for numerical computation in python and it can handle large arrays of numbers.
2. cv2 :- It is a library to use in Computer Vision task. You will get basic image processing tools while using cv2 for example, Image Reading and Writing .
3. pyzbar.pyzbar :- It is used to Decode the Bar code .
4. qrcode :- It is used to detecting and generating the qr codes .

How To Run The Code :-

Step 1 . First , You Download and Install Visual Studio Code or VS Code In your PC or Laptop by VS Code Official Website .
Step 2 . Now Open CMD As Administrator and install the above packages using pip .
Step 3 . Now Open Visual Studio Code .
Step 4. Now Make The files named as qrbartest.py, qrcodeproject.py .
Step 5 . Now Copy And Paste The Code from the Link Given Below 
Step 6 . After pasting The code , Save This & Click On Run Button .
Step 7 . Now You will See The Output .

Code Explanation :-

This Python code is used to Detect the QR Codes and Bar Codes and extract the informations stored in it from Any Image Files format .

Step-by-Step Guide Given Below:-
Numpy :- It is a core library for numerical computation in python and it can handle large arrays of numbers.
cv2 :- It is a library to use in Computer Vision task. You will get basic image processing tools while using cv2 for example, Image Reading and Writing .
pyzbar.pyzbar :- It is used to Decode the Bar code .
qrcode :- It is used to detecting and generating the qr codes .
cv2.VideoCapture(0) : It is used to capture the video , where (0) selects the default webcam . decode from pyzbar : It is used to Detect the QR Codes and Bar Codes .
cv2.polylines : It is used to extract the coordinates of barcode’s corner and convert into
a polygon .

cv2.putText : It is used to overlaiding the decoded data from QR Code on the video frame at
the position of the detected code .
cv2.waitkey(1) : It is Used to smooth Video Playback and updating every mili seconds .
Overall :
This code create a Simple and effective QR Code & Bar code detector . It Displays the
scanned code and decoded code .

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Source Code :-

Here Is Your Code Link From Where You Can Access or Copy The Code :-
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					import cv2
import numpy as np
from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode

#img = cv2.imread('1.png')
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

while True:

    success, img = cap.read()
    for barcode in decode(img):
        myData = barcode.data.decode('utf-8')
        pts = np.array([barcode.polygon],np.int32)
        pts = pts.reshape((-1,1,2))
        pts2 = barcode.rect




					import cv2
import numpy as np
from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode

#img = cv2.imread('1.png')
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

with open('myDataFile.text') as f:
    myDataList = f.read().splitlines()

while True:

    success, img = cap.read()
    for barcode in decode(img):
        myData = barcode.data.decode('utf-8')

        if myData in myDataList:
            myOutput = 'Authorized'
            myColor = (0,255,0)
            myOutput = 'Un-Authorized'
            myColor = (0, 0, 255)

        pts = np.array([barcode.polygon],np.int32)
        pts = pts.reshape((-1,1,2))
        pts2 = barcode.rect



Output :-

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