Admin Dashboard Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ReactJs with Source Code


Introduction :

The Admin Dashboard is a comprehensive React.js application designed to manage and visualize various administrative tasks. This project utilizes multiple libraries and components to create a responsive, interactive, and user-friendly interface. It includes various features such as data visualization, user management, order processing, and customizable themes.

Explanation :

Project Structure
  • App.js: The main component that sets up the application’s layout and routing.
  • index.js: The entry point of the application, which renders the App component inside the ContextProvider.
  • contexts/ContextProvider.js: Provides global state management using React’s Context API.
  • components: Contains reusable UI components such as Navbar, Sidebar, Footer, and custom buttons.
  • pages: Contains different pages of the dashboard like Ecommerce, Orders, Calendar, Employees, etc.
  • data: Contains dummy data for demonstration purposes.
Explanation of Files
  1. Imports: Various libraries and components are imported, including React, react-router-dom for routing, react-icons for icons, and Syncfusion components for popups and tooltips.

  2. useStateContext: This custom hook from the ContextProvider is used to manage global state variables like theme color, mode, and menu state.

  3. useEffect: Retrieves theme settings from localStorage on the initial render and applies them using the setCurrentColor and setCurrentMode functions.

  4. Rendering:

    • BrowserRouter: Wraps the entire application to enable routing.
    • TooltipComponent: A floating settings button using Syncfusion’s TooltipComponent.
    • Sidebar and Navbar: Conditional rendering based on the activeMenu state.
    • Routes: Defines routes for different pages such as Ecommerce, Orders, Employees, etc.
    • ThemeSettings: Conditional rendering to display theme settings when themeSettings is true.
  1. Imports: React, ReactDOM, App component, ContextProvider, and CSS files.
  2. ReactDOM.render: Renders the App component inside a ContextProvider, which allows the entire application to access global state variables.
  1. Imports: Google Fonts and Tailwind CSS for base, components, and utilities.
  2. Global Styles: Defines global styles for body and scrollbar customization.
  1. Syncfusion Styles: Imports Syncfusion’s material theme.
  2. Custom Styles: Styles for sidebar, navbar, and other custom elements, including media queries for responsiveness.
JavaScript Logic
  1. useStateContext: Manages global state using React’s Context API, providing state variables and functions for theme settings and menu states.
  2. useEffect: Ensures the theme settings are persisted across sessions by storing and retrieving from localStorage.
  3. Conditional Rendering: Dynamically displays elements like the sidebar, navbar, and theme settings based on the state variables.
Purpose of Functions
  1. setCurrentColor and setCurrentMode: Update the current theme color and mode.
  2. setThemeSettings: Toggles the visibility of the theme settings component.
  3. setIsClicked: Resets the clicked state to its initial state, used in button components.
Component Breakdown
  • Props: Accepts various props like icon, bgColor, color, bgHoverColor, size, text, borderRadius, and width.
  • onClick: Resets the clicked state using setIsClicked.
  • Styles and Classes: Applies styles and Tailwind CSS classes dynamically based on the props.
  • Imports and Data: Uses icons from react-icons, context from ContextProvider, and dummy data for cart items.
  • Rendering: Displays cart items with options to increase/decrease quantity and a button to place an order.
  • Dynamic Styles: Applies dynamic styles based on the current theme color.
  • Props: Accepts category and title to display a header for chart components.
  • Rendering: Displays category and title with appropriate styles.
  • Imports and Data: Uses icons from react-icons, context from ContextProvider, and dummy data for chat messages.
  • Rendering: Displays a list of chat messages with a button to see all messages.
  • Dynamic Styles: Applies dynamic styles based on the current theme color.


The Admin Dashboard is a well-structured React application that leverages various libraries and custom components to create a functional and visually appealing interface. The use of Context API for state management ensures a seamless user experience, while the extensive use of conditional rendering and dynamic styles makes the application highly customizable and responsive.

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