Crypto Currency Tracker Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ReactJs With Source Code


Introduction :

This cryptocurrency app is a web application built using React.js that allows users to track various cryptocurrencies, view detailed information about them, stay updated with the latest news, and explore different cryptocurrency exchanges. The app uses Redux for state management and several external libraries like Ant Design for UI components and Chart.js for visualizing data.

Explanation :

Structure :
  1. App Component:

    • Layout and Routing: The App.js component is the main entry point of the application. It sets up the overall layout using Ant Design’s Layout component and manages navigation using react-router-dom.
    • Components Integration: It includes the Navbar component for navigation, and dynamically renders different pages (like Homepage, Exchanges, Cryptocurrencies, CryptoDetails, and News) based on the URL path.
  2. Index File:

    • Application Bootstrapping: The index.js file initializes the app. It wraps the App component with Provider from react-redux to connect the Redux store and Router from react-router-dom for routing.
    • Strict Mode: It also uses React.StrictMode to highlight potential problems in an application, ensuring best practices.
  3. Styles:

    • Global Styles: App.css defines the global CSS styles, including variables for theming, layout rules, and responsive design to ensure the app looks good on various screen sizes.
  4. State Management:

    • Redux Store: The store.js file sets up the Redux store using configureStore from @reduxjs/toolkit. It combines reducers from the cryptoApi and cryptoNewsApi services, enabling the app to manage state effectively and make API requests.
  5. CryptoDetails Component:

    • Fetching Data: CryptoDetails.js fetches detailed information about a specific cryptocurrency using the useGetCryptoDetailsQuery and useGetCryptoHistoryQuery hooks from cryptoApi.
    • State and UI: It manages local state (e.g., selected time period for historical data) using React’s useState and displays the data using Ant Design’s Typography, Select, and other components. It shows various statistics, historical data in a line chart, and links related to the cryptocurrency.
  6. Cryptocurrencies Component:

    • Listing and Searching: Cryptocurrencies.js lists cryptocurrencies and includes a search functionality. It fetches the data using useGetCryptosQuery, manages local state for the search term and filtered cryptocurrencies, and renders the list using Ant Design’s Card and Row components.
JavaScript Logic :
  1. Routing Logic:

    • React Router: The App component uses Switch and Route from react-router-dom to define routes for different parts of the app. Each route corresponds to a specific component (e.g., Homepage, Exchanges), ensuring users can navigate seamlessly.
  2. State Management:

    • Redux Toolkit: State management is handled using Redux Toolkit. The store integrates API slices from cryptoApi and cryptoNewsApi, which are automatically generated by createApi from @reduxjs/toolkit/query/react. This setup simplifies data fetching and caching.
  3. Fetching Data:

    • RTK Query: The app uses useGetCryptoDetailsQuery, useGetCryptoHistoryQuery, and useGetCryptosQuery hooks to fetch data from the crypto API. These hooks handle the API requests and provide loading and error states, making data fetching and state management straightforward.
  4. Component Logic:

    • CryptoDetails: Manages the selected time period for historical data using useState. It updates the displayed data based on user selection and renders statistics and charts.
    • Cryptocurrencies: Filters the list of cryptocurrencies based on the search term. It updates the filtered list whenever the search term changes, ensuring the UI reflects the user’s input in real-time.
Purpose of Functions:
  1. App Component:

    • Rendering Layout: The primary function is to render the overall layout of the app, including the navbar, main content, and footer.
    • Routing: Manages routing to different parts of the app based on the URL.
  2. Store Configuration:

    • Combining Reducers: Integrates different reducers (crypto and news) to manage state centrally.
    • Middleware: Automatically adds middleware for caching, invalidation, polling, and other features of RTK Query.
  3. CryptoDetails Component:

    • Fetching and Displaying Data: Fetches detailed cryptocurrency data and historical price data. Displays this data using various UI components.
    • Handling User Input: Manages user input for selecting time periods and updates the displayed data accordingly.
  4. Cryptocurrencies Component:

    • Data Fetching: Fetches a list of cryptocurrencies and handles loading and error states.
    • Search Functionality: Filters the list of cryptocurrencies based on user input, updating the UI in real-time to show matching results.

By combining these components and logic, the cryptocurrency app provides a comprehensive and interactive user experience, allowing users to explore and stay updated on various cryptocurrencies.

Source Code :

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