Python Mini and Major Projects with source code
OTP Verification using Python With Source Code Introduction: In this project, we have made an OTP verification System with Help of various libraries. First of all, we made use of Tkinter for creating the GUI for our project. Next to that, to generate the random Numbers as OTP we used a random module. At last, […]
Quiz Application Using Python With Source Code Introduction: In this project, we have built a Quiz Application with the help of the tkinter module in Python. In this, users will be provided with a GUI in order to select one of the correct options. As the user will choose the correct option the point will increase. […]
BMI Calculator using python With source Code Introduction: In this project, we will build up an Advanced BMI Calculator by the tkinter library of Python. It is the standard GUI library of Python. With the help of sliders, the user can mention their height and weight, by clicking the report button they can see their calculated […]
Scientific calculator using Python With Source Code Introduction: In this project, we build up the scientific calculator using the tkinter library of Python. It is the standard GUI library for Python. With its help, we prepared the GUI for the project, and to add the functionalities of the scientific calculator, we used a math module. […]
Draw Doraemon Using Python With Source Code Introduction: In Python, the turtle is one of the most interesting libraries which enables the user to create pictures on a virtual canvas, with the help of the in-built functions of this library we can see the magic of art. In this project, with the help of this […]
Convert Text to speech using python With source Code Introduction: In this project, we will convert the text into speech using Python. It will be made possible by using the gTTS module in Python. It is a Python library and CLI tool to interface to Google Translate Text to speech API. Let’s get into this […]
GUI alarm Clock Using Python With Source Code Introduction: In this project, a GUI alarm clock has been created with help of the “Tkinter” module. Tkinter is a standard GUI library for python. With the help of this module, we have created a simple GUI interface for setting the alarm details. As per the requirement, […]
Flappy Bird Game Using Python With Source Code Introduction: In this project, we have created a game using the “Pygame” module in python. The game is named “Flappy Bird”. Most of you have played this game on your mobile phones and now it’s time to code this game by yourself. If you haven’t played this […]
Hangman Game using python With Source Code Introduction: In this project, we have created a Hangman game with the help of the “Pygame” module in Python language. Basically, it is a guessing game. The player tries to guess it by suggesting letters within a certain number of guesses. If the guessed word is correct within […]
Sudoku Game Using Python With Source Code Introduction: In this project, we have created a Sudoku Game with the help of a module named “Pygame”. Basically, in this, a random grid will be produced containing digits from 1 to 9 with the help of an API. To play this game: Each row, column, and square […]
GUI Based Internet Speed Test Using Python With Source Code Introduction: python language is one of the most preferred programming languages in today’s scenario of the data science field. Because of its simple syntax and vast libraries/packages/modules, implementing various applications/programs/codes is very handy. Explanation: GUI is one of the best interfaces for a user to […]
Ping pong game using python With Source Code Introduction: In this project, we have tried to create a ping pong game via using the “pygame” module of python. If we talk about the game then, in this game, there are two sides considered as player1 and player2, and a ball is present which needed to […]
Snake Game Using Python With Source Code Introduction: In this project, we have created a snake game using a python module named “Pygame”. Basically, in this game, the user will control the movement of the snake through the keyboard arrows and direct the snake in the direction of food, as the snake eats the food […]
Creating A WaterMark on Image using OpenCV with Source Code Introduction: We are now making watermarking images using OpenCV in Python in this project. Watermark is looking left Text/logo onto the image. This helps us to identify the actual developer of an artist. Watermarks are used to protect the copyright of the picture. watermarks sometimes […]
Radha Krishna Drawing using Python with Source Code Installation: In this project, we’ll explore how Python’s graphics library can be used to draw a pleasing picture of Radha Krishna, one of the most beloved gods in Hinduism. So just relax and tune into an amusement for the eye and mind. Python comes with open source […]
GUI Digital Clock Using Python with Source Code Introduction: In this Project, I will show you. How to Create Graphical User Interface of Digital Clock and How to Design your clock beautifully. We are Using Tkinter, which is a framework of Python Programming Language. In which we can design your outer part of the project […]
GUI Stopwatch using Python with Source Code Introduction: We will build the GUI(graphical user interface) Stopwatch application usingpython with Tkinter. Tkinter is a python GUI package. Tkinter is the fast andeasiest way to create GUI applications. We will create start, pause, stop and quit buttons to control our application. Project Requirements: For writing code, there […]
Turtle Patterns in Python with Source Code Introduction: In this article, we will see how to draw patterns using Python turtle graphics. python has a turtle module. turtle is a popular way for introducing programming to kids. About Turtle: Turtle graphics is a popular way for introducing programming to kids. It was part of the […]
Rock Paper Scissor Game using Python with Source Code Introduction: Python is a high-level programming language and it is used to developgames as well. In this, we have created a command-line Rock Paper Scissorsgame. According to the rules, the user gets the chance to pick the optionfirst, and then the computer’s choice will be generated […]
Drawing Patterns Using Python Turtle with Source Code Introduction: In this article, we will see how to draw patterns using Python turtle graphics. python has a turtle module. turtle is a popular way for introducing programming to kids. About Turtle: Turtle graphics is a popular way for introducing programming to kids. It was part of […]
Convert Image Into Sketch using Python In This Article, we’ll learn how to convert an image into a pencil sketch using python and CV2. CV2 is a python Module for OpenCV python. OpenCV has a function to read video, which is cv2. VideoCapture() also we can access the webcam using the CV2. In this Tutorial […]
Send WhatsApp Messages Using Python with Source Code Want to automatically send WhatsApp messages using Python? The pyautogui library makes it easy! you can Automatically message your friends using Python and the pyautogui library. What is pyautogui ? The pyautogui library is a powerful tool for automating mouse and keyboard interactions with other applications. Using […]
Find Wi-fi Passwords using Python with Source Code Introduction : This article will show you how you can find wifi passwords using python. if you forget your wifi password so this python script can find your wifi password. To find the already connected wifi passwords we need to execute two commands on the terminal so […]