Graphical User Interface Calendar using python With Source Code

GUI Calendar Project In Python


A calendar is used in our daily life. Here we will build a GUI(graphical user interface) Calendar project in python using a python module called Tkinter. Tkinter is a python module to create GUI applications. It is a great tool to build python applications.

This calendar is created with the calendar and the Tkinter module. you need to install both the calendar and the Tkinter module.


  • For writing code, there must be a text editor on your pc (any text editor).
  • There must be a python install in your system
  • You must have python basic knowledge

That’s you’re ready to go

Let’s Start:
  1. Create a new file with any name you like
  2. Open that file with a text editor of your choice. We are using vs code.
  3. Now create a folder with (you can use any name you like just add .py at the end)
  4. Now programming and programming logic begins (Final Code)

Source Code:

					import calendar
from tkinter import *

def showCalender():
    gui = Tk()
    year = int(year_field.get())
    gui_content = calendar.calendar(year)
    calYear = Label(gui, text=gui_content, font="Consolas 10 bold")
    calYear.grid(row=4, column=1, padx=20)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    new = Tk()
    new.config(background='saddle brown')

    cal = Label(new, text="Calender", bg="saddle brown",
                fg="bisque", font=("times", 28, "bold"))
    cal.grid(row=1, column=1)

    year = Label(new, text="Enter Year", bg="saddle brown",
                 fg="bisque", font=("times", 20))
    year.grid(row=2, column=1)

    year_field = Entry(new, bg="bisque",)
    year_field.grid(row=3, column=1)

    button = Button(new, text="Show Calender", fg="saddle brown",
                    bg="bisque", command=showCalender)
    button.grid(row=4, column=1)

  • First, we import all the important libraries and modules
  • Next, we have to use the Tkinter module to create our application GUI
  • Then we created a showcalendar() function to take input to show the calendar of the entered year
  • Then we created the next window to show our calendar by dates, days, and months
  • Then we define the window size, font, and color.

That’s it your calendar is ready.

Keep visiting for more such projects.


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