Data Structure using C++ Array Interview Question and Answers

50 most frequently asked array interview questions.

1. Q: What is an array in programming? Why is it used?

An array is a data structure that stores a fixed-size collection of elements of the same data type. It provides a way to organize and access data sequentially using an index. Arrays are used to store multiple values of the same type efficiently, making it easier to work with large datasets and enabling efficient data manipulation and retrieval.

2. Q: How do you declare an array in C++? Provide an example.

In C++, you can declare an array using the following syntax:

					data_type array_name[array_size];



					int numbers[5]; // Declares an integer array of size 5


3. Q: How is array memory allocated in C++?

Array memory in C++ is allocated in a contiguous block. The memory location of the first element is used as the base address, and the other elements follow sequentially. This contiguous allocation facilitates efficient element access.

4. Q: Explain array manipulation operations: insertion, deletion, and searching.

  • Insertion: Inserting an element in an array involves shifting existing elements to make space for the new element. For example, to insert an element at index pos:

					for (int i = size - 1; i >= pos; i--) {
    array[i+1] = array[i];
array[pos] = new_element;


Deletion: Deleting an element involves shifting elements to close the gap left by the deleted element. For example, to delete an element at index pos:

5. Q: What is an array and why is it used in programming?

Ans: An array is a linear data structure that holds a collection of elements of the same data type. It provides a way to store and access multiple values using a single identifier. Arrays are essential in programming as they allow efficient storage and retrieval of data. They provide constant-time access to elements, making them suitable for scenarios where quick data retrieval is needed.

6. Q: How do you declare an array in C++? Provide an example.

Ans: An array in C++ is declared by specifying the data type followed by the array name and its size within square brackets. Here’s an example declaration of an integer arra.

7. What is an array in C++.

Answer: An array is a collection of elements of the same data type stored in contiguous memory locations, identified by a common name.

8.What is the difference between an array and a linked list?

Answer: An array is a fixed-size data structure with contiguous memory allocation, while a linked list is a dynamic data structure with non-contiguous memory allocation.

9. Explain the concept of array indexing.

Answer: Array indexing refers to the process of accessing elements within an array using their position or index. In C++, array indexing starts from 0.

10. What is the maximum number of elements an array can hold in C++?

Answer: The maximum number of elements an array can hold in C++ is determined by the available memory and the data type of the array elements.

11. What is a one-dimensional array?

Answer: A one-dimensional array is an array with a single row or a single column. It is the simplest form of an array.

12. What is a two-dimensional array?

Answer: A two-dimensional array is an array with two dimensions, typically representing rows and columns, forming a grid-like structure.

13. How do you find the length of an array in C++?

Answer: You can find the length of an array using the sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]) formula, where array is the name of the array.

14. Explain the term “static array” in C++.

Answer: A static array in C++ is an array with a fixed size that is determined at compile time. Its size cannot be changed during runtime.

15. What is a dynamic array in C++?

Answer: A dynamic array in C++ is an array whose size can be changed during runtime using dynamic memory allocation functions like new and delete.

16. What is the advantage of using a dynamic array over a static array?

Answer: The advantage of using a dynamic array is that it allows you to change its size during runtime, making it more flexible for storing varying amounts of data.

17. What is an array element’s address?

Answer: An array element’s address is the memory location where a specific element within the array is stored.

18. Explain the concept of contiguous memory allocation in arrays.

Answer: Contiguous memory allocation means that array elements are stored next to each other in memory, with no gaps in between.

19. How do you initialize an array in C++?

Answer: You can initialize an array in C++ by providing a list of values enclosed in curly braces, like {1, 2, 3}, or by specifying its size and then assigning values to individual elements.

20. What is the time complexity of accessing an element in an array by its index?

Answer: Accessing an element in an array by its index has a time complexity of O(1), as it directly calculates the memory location based on the index.

21. What is an array’s worst-case time complexity for searching an element linearly?

Answer: The worst-case time complexity for linear search in an array is O(n), where n is the number of elements in the array.

22. What is a jagged array in C++?

Answer: A jagged array in C++ is an array of arrays, where each inner array can have a different size.


					int jaggedArray[][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5}, {6, 7, 8, 9}};


23. What is a multidimensional array?

Answer: A multidimensional array in C++ is an array with more than one dimension. It can be thought of as an array of arrays.


					int matrix[2][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};


24. Explain the concept of a sparse array.

Answer: A sparse array is an array in which most of the elements have a default value (usually zero) and are not stored to save memory.


					int sparseArray[5] = {0, 0, 7, 0, 0};


26. What is the difference between an array and a vector in C++?

Answer: Arrays have a fixed size determined at compile time, while vectors are dynamic arrays that can change in size during runtime.

Example (Vector):

					#include <vector>
std::vector<int> vec = {1, 2, 3};


27. Explain the concept of a 2D array as a matrix.

Answer: A 2D array can be used to represent a matrix, where each element in the array corresponds to a cell in the matrix.


					int matrix[3][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}};


28. What is the time complexity of inserting an element at the end of an array?

Answer: The time complexity for inserting an element at the end of an array is O(1) if you have a reference to the end of the array.

29. Explain the concept of a circular array.

Answer: A circular array is an array in which the last element is connected to the first element, forming a loop.


					int circularArray[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};


30. What is an array slice?

Answer: An array slice is a subset of an array, typically specified by a range of indices. In C++, it can be achieved using pointer arithmetic.


					int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int* slice = arr + 2; // Points to {3, 4, 5}


31. Explain the term “ragged array.”

Answer: A ragged array is a type of multidimensional array where the rows have varying lengths, resulting in irregular shapes.


					int raggedArray[][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5}, {6, 7, 8, 9}};


32. What is the role of the sizeof operator in C++ when used with arrays?

Answer: The sizeof operator is used to determine the size, in bytes, of an array or its elements. For an array, it returns the total size.


					int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int size = sizeof(arr); // Size of the entire array


33. What is a dynamic array as implemented in C++?

Answer: A dynamic array in C++ is implemented using the std::vector container. It can dynamically grow or shrink as elements are added or removed.

Example (Dynamic Array using std::vector):

					#include <vector>
std::vector<int> dynamicArray = {1, 2, 3};


35. What is the time complexity of finding the maximum element in an unsorted array?

Answer: The time complexity of finding the maximum element in an unsorted array is O(n), where n is the number of elements in the array.

These questions and answers should provide you with a solid understanding of various array-related concepts in C++.

36. What is the difference between an array and a linked list?

Answer: An array is a fixed-size data structure with contiguous memory allocation, while a linked list is a dynamic data structure with non-contiguous memory allocation. Arrays allow constant-time access by index, while linked lists require traversing from the beginning for access.

37. Explain the term “array rotation.”

Answer: Array rotation involves shifting the elements of an array by a certain number of positions to the left or right. It can be done in-place or by creating a new array.

38. How can you reverse an array in-place?

Answer: You can reverse an array in-place by swapping the first element with the last, the second with the second-to-last, and so on until the middle of the array.

Example (in-place array reversal):

					void reverseArray(int arr[], int size) {
    for (int i = 0; i < size / 2; ++i) {
        std::swap(arr[i], arr[size - i - 1]);


39. What is a subarray of an array?

Answer: A subarray is a contiguous section of an array, consisting of a range of elements.

40. How do you find the maximum subarray sum in an array?

Answer: You can find the maximum subarray sum using the Kadane’s algorithm, which keeps track of the maximum sum ending at each index while iterating through the array.

41. What is the “sliding window” technique for arrays?

Answer: The sliding window technique involves maintaining a set of elements in a “window” as you slide it through an array to efficiently solve problems that require subarray or substring processing.

42. Explain the concept of a sparse matrix and how it’s represented using arrays.

Answer: A sparse matrix is a matrix in which most of the elements are zero. It can be represented efficiently using a data structure like a triplet or compressed sparse row (CSR) representation in arrays.

43. What is a two-pointer approach for arrays, and when is it useful?

Answer: The two-pointer approach involves maintaining two pointers to traverse an array from both ends, typically used for problems involving searching or manipulating elements efficiently.

44. How do you find duplicates in an array with elements ranging from 1 to N?

Answer: To find duplicates in such an array, you can use the cyclic sort algorithm, where each element is placed at its correct index, and duplicates are identified when an element is already present at its correct position.

45. What is a circular subarray, and how do you find the maximum sum circular subarray?

Answer: A circular subarray is a subarray that wraps around from the end to the beginning of the array. To find the maximum sum circular subarray, you can combine the Kadane’s algorithm with finding the minimum sum subarray.

46. Explain the concept of a 1D prefix sum array and its applications.

Answer: A 1D prefix sum array stores the cumulative sum of elements up to a given index. It is useful for efficiently calculating the sum of elements in a range or finding subarray sums in constant time.

47. What is a matrix transpose, and how is it computed using an array?

Answer: A matrix transpose swaps rows and columns of a matrix. To compute it using an array, you can iterate through the array and swap elements at symmetric positions.

48. How do you merge two sorted arrays into a single sorted array efficiently?

Answer: You can merge two sorted arrays efficiently by using a merge operation similar to the merge step in merge sort, but without requiring extra space.

49. What is the concept of a majority element in an array, and how do you find it?

Answer: A majority element is an element that appears more than n/2 times in an array of size n. You can find it using Moore’s voting algorithm, which cancels out pairs of different elements.

50. How do you find the “kth” smallest or largest element in an unsorted array efficiently?

Answer: You can find the kth smallest or largest element efficiently using algorithms like Quickselect (a variation of Quicksort) or the Min-Max Heap approach.

These questions and answers cover a wide range of array-related topics that are commonly asked in DSA interviews. Be sure to practice solving problems related to these concepts to strengthen your understanding.