Data Structure using C++ Stacks and Queues Interview Question and Answers

50 most frequently asked Stacks and Queues interview questions.​

Stacks Interview Questions:

1. What is a stack in C++?

Answer: A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle, where the last element added is the first to be removed.

2. How is a stack implemented in C++?

Answer: A stack can be implemented in C++ using an array or a linked list. The C++ Standard Library provides the std::stack container adapter.

3. What are the two primary operations on a stack in C++?

Answer: The two primary operations on a stack are “push” (to add an element to the top) and “pop” (to remove the top element).

4. Explain the concept of a dynamic stack in C++.

Answer: A dynamic stack is a stack that can resize itself to accommodate more elements when it runs out of space. It typically uses dynamic memory allocation.

5. What is the time complexity of push and pop operations on a stack in C++?

Answer: The time complexity of push and pop operations on a stack is O(1), assuming that dynamic memory allocation for resizing (if needed) is also O(1) on average.

6. How can you implement a stack that supports finding the minimum element in constant time in C++?

Answer: You can implement a stack that supports finding the minimum element in constant time by maintaining an auxiliary stack to track the minimum elements.

7. What is the role of a stack in function call management in C++?

Answer: A stack is used to manage function calls and their local variables in C++. When a function is called, its local variables and return address are pushed onto the stack, and they are popped when the function returns.

8. Explain the concept of stack overflow in C++.

Answer: A stack overflow occurs when the stack size exceeds its predefined limit. It often happens due to recursive function calls without proper base cases.

9. What is a postfix expression, and how can you evaluate it using a stack in C++?

Answer: A postfix expression is a mathematical expression in which operators come after their operands. You can evaluate it using a stack by scanning the expression from left to right and using the stack to perform operations.

10. What is a stack with a maximum size in C++, and how is it implemented?

Answer: A stack with a maximum size is implemented by using an array of fixed size. Push and pop operations are checked to ensure they do not exceed the maximum size.

11. Explain the concept of a reverse Polish notation (RPN) calculator using a stack in C++.

Answer: An RPN calculator evaluates mathematical expressions in postfix notation using a stack. It scans the expression, pushing operands onto the stack and performing operations when operators are encountered.

12. How can you check if parentheses are balanced in an expression using a stack in C++?

Answer: You can check for balanced parentheses using a stack by pushing opening parentheses onto the stack and popping when a closing parenthesis is encountered. If the stack is empty at the end, the parentheses are balanced.

13. What is the difference between a stack and a queue in C++?

Answer: The primary difference is in their order of elements. A stack follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) order, while a queue follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) order.

14. Explain the concept of a double-ended stack in C++.

Answer: A double-ended stack, also known as a deque (double-ended queue), allows insertions and deletions at both ends. It can be implemented using arrays or linked lists.

15. How do you implement a stack using two queues in C++?

Answer: You can implement a stack using two queues by using one queue for regular operations (push and pop) and another queue for temporarily storing elements during push operations.

16. What is a stack with variable-size blocks in C++, and how is it useful?

Answer: A stack with variable-size blocks is a stack where elements are grouped into blocks, and each block can have a different size. It’s useful for efficient memory management and resizing.

17. Explain the concept of a stack with a fixed-size buffer in C++.

Answer: A stack with a fixed-size buffer is a stack that can hold a maximum number of elements. When the buffer is full, further push operations result in overwriting the oldest elements.

18. What is a stack with a dynamic resizing policy in C++, and how does it work?

Answer: A stack with dynamic resizing policy automatically resizes itself when it runs out of space. It typically doubles in size when full and shrinks when it becomes less occupied.

19. How can you implement a stack that efficiently finds the maximum element in C++?

Answer: You can implement a stack that efficiently finds the maximum element by maintaining an auxiliary stack to track the maximum elements at each level.

20. Explain the concept of a stack with lazy deletion in C++.

Answer: A stack with lazy deletion is a stack that marks elements as deleted but doesn’t immediately remove them. Deletions are performed only when necessary to optimize performance.

21. What is a stack frame in the context of function calls in C++?

Answer: A stack frame, also known as an activation record, is a data structure representing a function call in the call stack. It contains local variables, parameters, return addresses, and other information related to the function.

22. Explain the concept of a stack with delayed reordering in C++.

Answer: A stack with delayed reordering is a stack that allows pushing elements onto it, but their final position is determined only when they are popped. This can be useful in certain algorithms and data structures.

23. How can you implement a stack that efficiently finds the minimum element in C++ without using extra space?

Answer: You can implement a stack that efficiently finds the minimum element without using extra space by storing the difference between the current element and the current minimum.

24. What is a stack with memoization in C++, and how is it used to optimize recursive algorithms?

Answer: A stack with memoization is used to optimize recursive algorithms by caching previously computed results and reusing them when the same inputs are encountered again.

25. Explain the concept of a stack with a time-based eviction policy in C++.

Answer: A stack with a time-based eviction policy removes elements from the stack based on their age or time since they were pushed onto the stack. This is commonly used in managing limited history or log data.

26. What is a stack with a transaction rollback feature in C++, and how does it work?

Answer: A stack with a transaction rollback feature allows you to push transactional changes onto the stack. If a transaction needs to be rolled back, the changes can be popped off the stack, effectively undoing the transaction.

27. What is the concept of a stack with a rollback mechanism in C++?

Answer: A stack with a rollback mechanism allows you to push elements onto the stack and later roll back the stack to a previous state, effectively undoing a series of operations.

28. How can you implement a stack that supports constant-time retrieval of the maximum element in C++ using an auxiliary stack?

Answer: You can implement a stack that supports constant-time maximum element retrieval by maintaining an auxiliary stack that keeps track of the maximum elements at each level of the main stack.

29. Explain the concept of a stack with a custom sorting policy in C++.

Answer: A stack with a custom sorting policy allows you to push elements onto the stack without specifying their final order, and they are sorted based on custom rules only when they are popped.

30. What is a stack with a checkpoint feature in C++, and how is it used in scenarios involving rollbacks?

Answer: A stack with a checkpoint feature allows you to mark checkpoints within the stack. You can later roll back the stack to a specific checkpoint, discarding any operations performed after that checkpoint.

Queues Interview Questions:

1. What is a queue in C++?

Answer: A queue is a linear data structure that follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle, where the first element added is the first to be removed.

2. How is a queue implemented in C++?

Answer: A queue can be implemented in C++ using an array, a linked list, or using the std::queue container adapter provided by the C++ Standard Library.

3. What are the two primary operations on a queue in C++?

Answer: The two primary operations on a queue are “enqueue” (to add an element to the back) and “dequeue” (to remove the front element).

4. What is a circular queue in C++, and how does it work?

Answer: A circular queue is a queue that uses a circular buffer to efficiently manage elements. When the end of the buffer is reached, it wraps around to the beginning.

5. What is the time complexity of enqueue and dequeue operations in a queue in C++?

Answer: The time complexity of enqueue and dequeue operations in a queue is O(1) on average for a well-implemented queue.

6. How can you implement a queue using two stacks in C++?

Answer: You can implement a queue using two stacks by using one stack for enqueue operations and the other stack for dequeue operations, with elements transferred between them as needed.

7. What is a priority queue in C++, and how is it different from a regular queue?

Answer: A priority queue is a queue where each element has an associated priority, and elements are dequeued based on their priority. It’s different from a regular queue, which dequeues elements in the order they were enqueued.

8. Explain the concept of a double-ended queue (deque) in C++.

Answer: A double-ended queue, or deque, is a data structure that allows insertions and deletions at both ends. It can be implemented using arrays or linked lists.

9. How can you efficiently implement a queue that supports constant-time minimum element retrieval in C++?

Answer: You can implement a queue that supports constant-time minimum element retrieval by maintaining an auxiliary data structure like a deque to track the minimum elements.

10. What is a circular buffer queue in C++, and what are its advantages?

Answer: A circular buffer queue uses a fixed-size buffer and wraps around when it reaches the end. Its advantages include efficient use of memory and constant-time enqueue and dequeue operations.

11. Explain the concept of a priority queue implemented as a binary heap in C++.

Answer: A priority queue implemented as a binary heap is a binary tree structure that satisfies the heap property. It allows efficient insertion and removal of elements with the highest priority.

12.  How can you efficiently implement a queue that supports constant-time maximum element retrieval in C++?

Answer: You can implement a queue that supports constant-time maximum element retrieval by maintaining an auxiliary data structure like a deque to track the maximum elements.

13. What is a queue with a dynamic resizing policy in C++, and how does it work?

Answer: A queue with a dynamic resizing policy resizes itself when it runs out of space. It typically doubles in size when full and shrinks when it becomes less occupied.

14. Explain the concept of a double-ended queue (deque) with variable-size blocks in C++.

Answer: A deque with variable-size blocks groups elements into blocks, and each block can have a different size. It’s used for efficient memory management and resizing.

15. How can you implement a queue that efficiently finds the minimum element in C++ without using extra space?

Answer: You can implement a queue that efficiently finds the minimum element without using extra space by storing the difference between the current element and the current minimum.

16. What is a priority queue implemented as a binomial heap in C++, and how does it compare to a binary heap?

Answer: A priority queue implemented as a binomial heap is a tree-based structure that supports efficient insertion and removal of elements with the highest priority. It can be more efficient than a binary heap for some operations.

17. Explain the concept of a queue with lazy deletion in C++.

Answer: A queue with lazy deletion is a queue that marks elements as deleted but doesn’t immediately remove them. Deletions are performed only when necessary to optimize performance.

18. What is a queue with memoization in C++, and how is it used to optimize algorithms?

Answer: A queue with memoization is used to optimize algorithms by caching previously computed results and reusing them when the same inputs are encountered again.

19. What is a circular queue with multiple tails in C++, and how does it work?

Answer: A circular queue with multiple tails is a variation of a circular queue where there can be multiple tail pointers, allowing for multiple insertion points and efficient parallel processing.

20. Explain the concept of a queue with a fixed-size buffer in C++.

Answer: A queue with a fixed-size buffer is a queue that can hold a maximum number of elements. When the buffer is full, further enqueue operations result in overwriting the oldest elements.

21. What is a priority queue implemented as a Fibonacci heap in C++, and how does it compare to other priority queue implementations?

Answer: A priority queue implemented as a Fibonacci heap is a highly efficient data structure for priority queues, especially for algorithms like Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. It offers better amortized time complexities than other priority queue implementations.

22. Explain the concept of a priority queue with decrease key operation in C++.

Answer: A priority queue with decrease key operation allows changing the priority of an element already in the queue while maintaining the queue’s properties. It’s useful in algorithms like Dijkstra’s algorithm.

23. What is a queue with a time-based eviction policy in C++, and how is it used in caching?

Answer: A queue with a time-based eviction policy removes elements from the queue based on their age or time since they were enqueued. It’s commonly used in caching to remove stale data.

24. Explain the concept of a priority queue with custom comparators in C++.

Answer: A priority queue with custom comparators allows you to define custom rules for comparing elements. It’s useful when elements don’t have natural comparison operators.

25. What is a queue with a delayed reordering policy in C++, and how does it work?

Answer: A queue with a delayed reordering policy allows enqueueing elements without specifying their final position, which is determined only when they are dequeued. This can be useful in certain algorithms and data structures.

26. How can you efficiently implement a queue that supports constant-time maximum element retrieval in C++ without using extra space?

Answer: You can implement a queue that supports constant-time maximum element retrieval without using extra space by maintaining the maximum element separately and updating it as elements are enqueued and dequeued.

27. Explain the concept of a queue with a delayed reordering policy in C++.

Answer: A queue with a delayed reordering policy allows elements to be enqueued without specifying their final position, which is determined only when they are dequeued. This can be useful in certain scheduling and task management scenarios.

28. What is a queue with a time-based priority scheduling policy in C++, and how is it used in task scheduling?

Answer: A queue with a time-based priority scheduling policy assigns priorities to tasks based on their deadlines or execution times. It ensures that tasks with higher priority deadlines are dequeued and executed first, making it useful in real-time systems and task scheduling.

29. What is a queue with a round-robin scheduling policy in C++, and how is it used in task scheduling?

Answer: A queue with a round-robin scheduling policy assigns time slices to tasks in a cyclic order, ensuring each task gets a fair share of processing time. It’s commonly used in multitasking operating systems and time-sharing systems.

30. Explain the concept of a queue with a retry mechanism in C++.

Answer: A queue with a retry mechanism allows elements to be dequeued and processed. If processing fails, the element is requeued for future processing attempts, often with a delay.

These questions and answers cover a wide range of concepts related to stacks and queues in C++. Understanding these topics will help you prepare for interviews and deepen your knowledge of these data structures.

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